(43 replies, posted in Balancing)

The newb areas are jammed because Doing grade 1 missions earn you 5 times the money and rank as grade 2 in the same time. Without an assault mech I can not do outpost missions, they take more then 10x the time and I often lose Nec doing them because of the ammo. I also die. I doubt I am the only one since there are hardly any people doing outpost even though they are rank 2. So all mobs will attack you. I have only seen missile user do outpost successfully so far.

Is it just me? It's like if my bot can't hit enemies lower then me. Pretty much all the mission enemies are on the bottom of valleys. If I stand above them I hardly do any damage while they seem to hit me full blast. If I run down to the group I start doing damage but get killed and there goes another 400k.

Ordinary guns hit a little better then lasers but I guess that is because of the shorter range angle. Right now I can only grind mission 1 mobs, but it's crowded and I should be doing mission 2 but I don't see me being able before I get a 5 million Nec mech.