Blossom wrote:

actually on my system running 2 accounts, my gpu temp rised to almost 90C when hologram is showed on my 2 screens at once (ie both char docked at the same time). Had to tweak fan cycle to get it to safer levels. Pretty strange that this screen is so gpu intensive. (far more than the outside world).

Outch! Is this a NVidia card? If so, I better start checking out my GFX card as well.

Honelith wrote:

I'm not a fan of the attribute system in this game, it's tricky trying to raise one attribute but not raise the other you have no interest for. Plus a lack of description during the attribute selection process meant it became a guessing game. Since EP gain is precious and they didn't design the character creation process too clearly, I would hope this would get looked into, and for those of us who have already commited to our characters but feel as though our attributes could do with a respec.

This was mentioned and admitted by DEV Zoom in General chat 2 days ago. I hope he really meant what he said and he will be looking into this, to give existing char some form of "one time" attribute respec. To correct our mistakes.

But more importantly is them improving the character creation process and give us more control over setting attributes. More importantly to more clearly explain the attribute system for new players and it's implications when they create their firfst character(s).

Bastian Croft wrote:

*shrugs*  I don't see an issue with it here. 

I went pure combat spec here.  As a result, my engineering skills suffer.  I knew what I was getting into going in.  Could attributes be explained better (at all?)?  Yes, absolutely. 

But I don't think the system needs an overhaul.

Just my 2 NIC.

The problem is, the attributes are now NOT explained at all!  Just like the losing of the 20.000 starting EP when you delete your character to reroll, because of a mistake.

I have now messed up two characters (one in EP and the new one now with Attributes) on two accounts.

The character creation process is really unclear and vague in this. I really tried to even out all the attributes as best as possible, but because of scewed attribute view with graphs, I still end up with 20+ in Economics and Politics and only 9 in tactical.

Furthermore there was no real information whatsoever (during character creation) about what effect attributes have, so I didn't put too much thought at it at first. And even thought (as this game was resembling so much to EVE Online) that I could compensate / improve sertain lacking attributes in the game later on.  Which appears not to be possible at all!

So next to the shard permanent EP issue, we now have a permanent non-repairable attribute issue new players are going to run into and break their heads over!

This is really not a good way to attract new players and lock them into screwed up characters.

My 2 cents.

Hug wrote:

as with most things in life there is only a few you don't like about a specific thing (steve) that you want changed..

these guys changed a lot i don't like about steve so they made something superior for me with taking the good with them..heads up! smile

just because something is similar at a first look doesn't make it a copy..or what exactly is the the difference by discussion of 99,9% of all the games where you go to get better stuff in dungeons ? smile at a second look however there are quite a lot of differences still.

I know. But you have to admit that some things look a bit all too familiar.

Especially the Station interiors shown in that video. I first thought it was a joke and I was looking at an EVE Online video. Till I saw the little bot standing on the platform and not a shuttle lol. tongue

GLiMPSE wrote:
Chief Ubenor wrote: … re=related
This looks so cool, why did they replace interiors with ugly holograms?

Why did they change modules icons that you click to activate weapons/modules?

I just looked trough some Beta videos and interface looked so much better before. It looks like crap now. Is there some kind of a version of high-res game or something? I don't like hologram station interiors...

To quell some of the stEVE comparisons... :-)

The more I see this stuff, I am getting the feeling they either licensed CCP's game engine or these devs are ex-CCP employees lol. tongue

(not that I mind tho. Just can't help notice all the similarities)


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

Kaito Kurusaki wrote:

I'd rather that they did these patches in offhours.. This isn't beta anymore

I have to agree with this too tho. Was it really that urgent they had to do it in the middle of prime time? roll

Or was it something that could have waited till tomorrow morning on more quiet hours.

I think this is one of the MAJOR issues that need to be looked into.

Now there are mostly a couple hundred players online at a time. I don't want to think what happens when even more are getting into the game.

At this moment it's just impossible to get any combat missions done. As there are duo (or larger) groups camping literally each and every mob spawn point. They pretty much insta lock each new spawn that pops up and kill them within seconds.
These bots are pretty much farming these mob spawns hardcore!

As new player at the moment, it's just a nightmare. You can't get anything done. Except running boring delivery missions and doing some mining. /sigh

Foo wrote:
Waldy_Angeloak wrote:

Once a mine field is depleted from a tile, it should be gone. Presently once all mine fields are known, there will be no need for Area Based charges! All fields will be documented somewhere!

Correction: Once all mine fields are known, there will be no need for [you to have] Area Based charges. Anyone who hasn't discovered that mine field still needs to find it.

And btw, grats to you if you find all the mining locations. Why would you want to start over? There are currently enough complaints about grinding. This would only force people to spend even MORE time looking for ore, in addition to the time spend mining it.

That the mining itself is as boring as hell as it is in EVE Online. Is a completely different matter.

The way it is now, with static spawn locations. It won't be long till the big guys will be camping all over the place and emptying all the spawns in no time.
Making it for new players almost impossible to get anything done.

Just look at the current level 1 combat missions which also have static spawn locations.
They are camped to death right now by bots with idiotic fast target locking speeds killing all the new spawns the moment they appear. They are already killed before you even finished locking.

This night I could not get a single combat mission done, because of this. As litterly every spawn location was perma camped by these bots.   I just gave up and logged off.


(29 replies, posted in General discussion)

Kogaratsu wrote:
Jerokane wrote:

It's people like you that should be insta banned from these forums. You are nothing but a troll! And do more harm this game than good!

Meet the M2S.

That said, if you weren't whining, there'd be less people trolling you. Inane whining tend to make the troll population go higher, considering there aren't much more in term of valable response to such clueless shenanigans.

In short: please keep on whining on things that don't need fixing, this is clearly going to help the development process.

It does need fixing. As there need to be a consequence for your actions.

You want to be criminal? Fine! No problem. When you try to steal / hack someone else his stuff. Then there should be concequences. Like getting criminally flagged and open you up for attack and retaliation.


(29 replies, posted in General discussion)

Siddy wrote:
Jerokane wrote:

If people's containers are getting constantly hacked and emptied with absolute no consequence and risk for the criminal. Then this game will die off real quick.
As people will simply stop bothering, get a bad taste from this game and quit.

Like EVE died when there were ore thief's around?

Oh wait, EVE didn't die. And EVE can flagg system only made it worse, haha.

Now, GTFO troll.

Maybe you should learn to read. Instead of quoting just a tiny piece of the whole text.

So troll harder please.