(18 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

-1 Russians dont play this game, thats just western propaganda! tongue


(36 replies, posted in Q & A)

Jita wrote:
Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:
Crepitus wrote:

this shows daily and monthly stats, shows accounts, not individuals players.

Yes, people hide because they don't want to give their enemies intel.

I remember when that graph had peaks of 500+ players.

I remember when my squad had 500 members

Ah yes & when we had 100s of people living on Beta islands.. those were the days smile


(102 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jita wrote:

No he is not a bad fella, just seems to be a bit obsessed.

Well thats because your the centre of the universe Jita tongue


(36 replies, posted in Q & A)

Crepitus wrote:
Pokuru wrote:

So I've owned this game for maybe 2 years or more. The first time I played. I got through the  tutorial and I understand the type of game it was, similar to eve. It has grinding, marketing, player corporations, gamma islands where you control land and resources with bases, crafting system, bla bla bla.

But as a new player who is playing the game when its old. I see in general chat only 14~ people.  I browse the other chat channels and its maybe 10 in another, 5 in another, a few outlying 1's.   And I could assume some players are in multiple chat channels which would mean the sum of players is less. So the population on the game would appear to be less than 30.

So how many people are really online in this game?

And I feel if you want more people on, shouldn't you people not in general chat come join it?
My brother started playing this and that's why I'm back to check this game out again.
He says everyone is hiding.

Are you all hiding and not in general chat? 
Its a real turn away to new players looking for a healthy community in a game that is about player interaction.

this shows daily and monthly stats, shows accounts, not individuals players.

Yes, people hide because they don't want to give their enemies intel.

I remember when that graph had peaks of 500+ players.


(44 replies, posted in Q & A)

Naismith wrote:

I blame Rovoc and Ville for continuously posting links about "epic Jita tears" in TS. Eventually I took a look. lol



(44 replies, posted in Q & A)

Jita wrote:
Naismith wrote:

You ~outlasted~ for 2 years dear Jita, don't complain too hard when you get it done to you for 2 weeks. lol

First bit of truth from you in the thread, can't argue with that I guess. A shame you guys couldn't get involved in the process and build the population together instead of seeking to destroy it. We bent over backwards to include.

You just fried my BS meter... thanks.

Anyone remembers the days when Styx & M2S were "killing the game" Good times... Now were left with watching Jita... lol

BeastmodeGuNs wrote:

Also... quick question Syndi, curious how it took you 3 months of you mostly being around to finally post on the forums again? Feels like you only like to post when you feel you've won. Merely an observation. fuuu

Unlike you he knows when to post & when not to. roll


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

This is a dead game going no where fast. All of you guys would be better off just moving on & learning to annoy & troll a whole new game game smile

Steam couldn't save it. It just prolonged the inevitable. This is what you get when you dont have any effective advertising for a product.

When perpetuum finally shuts down Im logging back onto TS just to hear Syndic laughing his *** off big_smile <3

Yes I want to be able to decorate a house ...


(102 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jita wrote:

***** it's like they don't want money.

I think Perpetuum is used for some strange Hungarian tax dodge lol


BadAss wrote:

mb better one island? lol for 10ppl it very good

This Game only needs 1 island. Lets stick everyone in 1 Padded cell lol

Do it big_smile


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

Looks like its time to find a new game tongue


(54 replies, posted in Bugs)

Lets be honest these DEVs have been meta gamed for years by every faction that this game has ever had. In the end thats probably had as big of a negative impact on this game as any...

Woot pg3


(54 replies, posted in Bugs)

This thread now has a sufficient amount of nerd rage to gain my approval....

Now wheres the up vote butan... big_smile


(54 replies, posted in Bugs)

Yeah your right better to leave the afk mining to macro miners lol


(54 replies, posted in Bugs)

Just throwing this old idea out there, mining towers should be able to passively mine ore.

T2 HM is faster than a T2 Assault?


(17 replies, posted in News and information)

Jita wrote:

Budapest / zooms closet is cheaper I guess.

I thought they kept the servers under Zooms bed for heat & warm during those long cold winters lol


(5 replies, posted in Q & A)

+1 for converting perpetuum to a tablet friendly game big_smile


(26 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

BeastmodeGuNs wrote:
Chemist wrote:
Aye Pod wrote:


The key phrase - other games.
For example, you can scan all in Eve. But there u can attack EVERYWHERE.

^ ^
Thats the thing about perp, you undock on alpha or jump into alpha from somewhere, there is nothing to do but sit there and get an entire PvP force scanned at no risk, 1 guy, 5 guys, 10 guys, 20, so on, does not matter, a castel with light weight frame, 2 sensor amps, and a chassis scanner and being on alpha is all it takes to get any amount of players fit scanned risk free.

There is a reason why this game has lost fitting diversity, especially for PvP... This being because all you have to do to get scanned with no way to avoid it is set foot on alpha and just like that your enemy will counter-fit and there was nothing you could do to avoid it. and ofc while in recent times its harder to avoid scouting too that is a different topic... Point being, regardless of political BS, Chassis scanner need some kind of penalty whether it is PvP flagging, massive lock time penalty with one equiped, or whatever. It needs some kind of penalty to it, the size of the game makes it unavoidable if people choose to use it, and again that ruins diversity to fitting and what not based on how easy it is to counter-fit nowadays as result.

A PVP flag has always seemed like a reasonable compromise

Where are the servers based now ?


(33 replies, posted in Q & A)

Can I ask this.... why do beacons have to be competitive with mission directly in nic value? Trying to balance EVERYTHING with nic will just get harder & harder. Why not try to reward with Good loot drops or at least a better % chance. I don't know, just throwing an idea out there.
Other wise if the DEVs just keep upping the nic payout for various aspects of the game your not actually fixing anything, due to inflation!


(33 replies, posted in Q & A)

So DEVs whats next thing planned for perp? Whens your next Dev Blog?

Ville wrote:
Chemist wrote:
Ville wrote:

This is a way to help the situation!

Ready to give your teeth that it will save the game?

Chemist being able to speak two languages is Awesome !  But sadly I don't understand what you mean.

I think you should give your teeth to save the game ville! big_smile


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

Celebro wrote:
Inda wrote:

What about walls?

Well Perpetuum was ever "great" ?

So I am in anything that you can think improve more things. (I try to help new players, thats what I can, after many try.)

They nerfed walls Inda remember , unnerf them lets put walls whereever we want again. Maybe, we can make the devs pay for it. wink.

Perpetuum was great back when there were much more players, yes it felt great , let's make it great again.

You mean you want Walls 1.0 back in the game? 1.0 drove a huge number of players to leave the game the first time smile

Jita wrote:

Firstly and most importantly it won't work. If ypu are the kind of person who doesn't care about anyone but yourself ****

Pot calling the Kettle black...

Jita wrote:

Secondly Chemist is absolutely right - your 'suggestions' hold little value because they always serve your agenda

Are you sure your not talking about your self.... Because this sounds like a page out of your own memoirs

Jita wrote:

****There are three islands in game nobody is defending ****

Dead game nothing to see here move along please...

Jita wrote:

IMO of course without open stations you don't achieve anything.

Yes because it worked SOOO well last time
