Arga wrote:
John Rourke wrote:

There should be some risk involved in teleporting or undocking on beta islands, so there needs to be a way for a prepared force to catch folks from doing that.

The simple question here is Why?

Why, does simply undocking into or teleporting onto beta require there to be an associated risk? Other then promoting gate/outpost ganking squads.

Making sure everyone and everything gets punished for even thinking about stepping onto beta is excessive. This player can't acutally DO anything other then frustrate the gate camper and gain some intel, but no more or less then if they jumped in a sacrificial arkhe.

Or maybe they can now jump in something other than an arkhe, and put the gate camper at risk.

As it is now, a single assault can watch a gate, simply because its really risky to jump blindly in anything other than an arkhe, after which the assault knows something is up and can relocate and call for help. As it is now, a fully fit mech can jump in, and if your a lone assault, lock and kill you leaving the gate open.

Seems like this small change adds a dramatic change to how gate watching and guarding needs to be handled.

It is not a punishment, it is a risk of being shot. Beta islands are different from alpha because of the risk but the last patch removed that risk completely. I'm not asking for an assured death, but if you want to go through a gate to a beta island there should be some risk.


(64 replies, posted in General discussion)

RedKGB wrote:

Got an idea for adding value to beta, could be mentioned before or else ware, but you know :effort:.

Allow only the MK version of bots be built on beta's.
Allow only the new line of bots coming out in the future tobe built on beta's. Still allow alpha factories to build the T1 version of bots up to heavy mech, but the new destory class can only be built on beta's.
Allow beta's to be the only place to build T4's.
Allow destories only to use beta to beta island transports.
Only the holding corp can use the advance build options to build MK's, Destoriers, and T4.
Corps that hold thier respective OP above 80% earn nic for the corpate wallet from 5mil to 20mil a day, for the transfering energy back thru the hole to earth.

This imo adds more value to OP, and beta islands.

PS. Also as an incentive to PVP, the corp holding the SAP that takes away NIC earning ability from the corp holding the OP gains x amount from the rival corpations of that OP. Make it worth wild, like 50-100mil. Put something in the code that it will only pay out to other corps that actively hold an OP also. This will allow the larger corps to attack each other with the idea of disrupting thier nic stream.

+1 I would like to see more incentives for people not just to ninja farm betas but to actually live there. Maybe this, along with an alliance feature, would get some of the really active corps like NeX and friends into a bid for Beta island outposts.

I also believe that the cost of trying to take an outpost should be very low because all that cost does is keep groups who don't already have the assets from trying to get to a beta and hold it.

(Contrary to popular belief, the general sentiment I get from CiR is that we would love to see the other beta islands become inhabited. This would make for many more PvP opportunities and liven up the game significantly)

I would like to say that I am disappointed with the new change that makes bots un-targetable while their protection is up. Combined with the fact that you are under protection for the same amount of time that you have to wait for re-docking and you have the ability to teleport blindly or undock blindly with assured invincibility.

There should be some risk involved in teleporting or undocking on beta islands, so there needs to be a way for a prepared force to catch folks from doing that.

I propose that the targeting stay as it is, but that the time you are protected be shortened to be maybe 8-10 seconds less than your molecular instability and that you always teleport in or undock approximately 100 meters from the outpost or teleporter. This will allow a decent chance for people to get back while still allowing the possibility of being caught.

If you want assured safety, the alpha islands have it


(7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

+1 I like the idea of a sub mech only island, but I disagree that it should be a pay to access thing. That style garauntees that only the big conglomerates can dominate in there since they will have multiple corps of people coming in at once and the smaller groups will not be able to afford enough to get all their firepower in.

+1 for melee weapons. My 2 cents it to make them untargeted, all you have to do is select the appropriate bot on landmarks and engage weapon if they are in range or somethin like that.

Sundial wrote:

This seems a bit one size fits all in the voting system. This game needs more stuff for small corps. Big corps are not suffering. This will only encourage mega power blocks / blobbing.

IMO you can already set standing, or even hold others outpost for you. Before stuff like this is added, smaller corps needs need to be looked at.

While I don't disagree that this would be useful, I think this is not immediately needed. Its a good idea William, but I don't think the game is ready for it.

I actually disagree as the major power blocks are already established and working together. This will allow smaller groups with similar goals to work together without sacrificing the corp identities that they want to protect, therefor allowing them to gather enough force to attempt to live on a beta island.

I think the longer docking timers are a good move by the devs, making the triangle less viable and making the instant re-fit tougher on betas.