I would like to however, thank the people who have posted on this forum already. You have not been cruel, you have put forth your views on the points, and for that I am deeply thankful. The previous post is because of other forums where people have not been so kind.

So again, that was NOT a bash to the previous posters.

Acuzio, in reality the 50% hurts more then it helps, just informing you. The current Standings system is partially there, but unfinished and unrefined.

This is just 1 thing that SEVERAL people have been noticing that is WRONG. Think of it as another "point" if you wish.

On another note of missiles.. Lasers do NOT out-range them in some cases. I give you the Gropho V. Seth. Yes I went there, the vast unbalance between the Mesmer and Seth when compared to the Gropho only extend its god-like power. A decent Gropho can out-range a Seth and fire its weapons forever and ever and ever. And what can the Seth do to counter this? Well it can stumble its way towards the Gropho (mind you the Gropho is faster) and put up its bubble! As to way a YELLOW Bot has a shield.. I will never understand. On top of this all, in the miraculous case that the Seth CAN actually hit the Gropho with terrain difficulties, it can only fire a FEW shots, before its Accumulator is destroyed (I give you the proof http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … ext-math/). In addition to the problems with the Seth, all the damage done to its shield will pre-damage its Accumulator. And the counter to this farce? Autocannon Seth! Yes it does damage but don't expect to go on the offense because you're too slow to do jack s-. Now for the Mesmer.. all I have to say is wtf.. Seriously and honestly, wtf? The Mesmer has so many problems.. number 1 being the vast problems with it's Accumulator (just like the Seth), number 2 being that even though it is the fastest Heavy, its still f-ing slow, esp when it needs to go on the Offense.

I think all the Devs were Caldari in EVE.. because they really love their Green Bots. They did the right thing by nerfing missiles, correcting all their problems, but they forgot the short comings of the others, in the fact that they can not compete in most cases, or at least where it matters. As of right now, with the current version of the game, speed, size and angle do NOT matter when killing a target. Heavy Mechs are the OMFGBBQ weapons of the game, able to destroy anything below them with ease. Yes they have more a problem with lights, but the medium weapons do so much damage that all you need is 1 good shot and POW, dead yagel/castel/prom. I know it seems like I bash Green all the time, and I do. Not our of racist hatred for the color, but because they are honestly unfair when compared to the competition. The Gropho is absolutely cap stable when firing all of its weapons, being able to get out to the EXACT SAME RANGE as the Seth. In addition to this, if the Mesmer is to go up and attempt to fight the Gropho, all the pilot must do is activate the shield and Energy Drain the Mesmer. Aside from the fact that the Mesmer is extremely cap unstable, regardless of what you try and do, the drains put the last nail in the coffin, making it so the Mesmer can only glare at the Gropho with its angry eyes. When you set the Seth up against it.. good luck firing your weapons long enough, and in enough volleys to take down the shield.

Now to feed the trolls that seem to bread in this game when it comes to NeX pointing out the issues. Yes, these situations are based on a 1v1 and who in their right mind would use a Mesmer alone?! NEWB! Go out in a gang of Grohpos, use your OP abilities (insanely fast lock time and very effective shield absorption), pop all the support bots of the enemy, maybe have a few smaller guys to help with the enemy E-War, and win. Flat out win. The Mesmers will have little do no cap when/if they reach you. The Kains will NOT be able to survive the volleys. The Seths, well you can kite them, you can keep yourself away from them and snipe them to death... and if any of you die to a autocannon Seth? Well you deserve your fate.

Now, go ahead and troll. Go ahead and say "Oh fit your T4 gear and you'll be fine" say the same s--t you always say to keep yourselves afloat, to make sure you don't actually have to change your game tactics up. If these issues, and all the issues that currently exists in the imbalance of this amazing game are not fixed, you better be sure people will exploit it en-mass and then we will see who is QQ'ing.

EDIT: Right now the "roles" appear to be that the Gropho dominates over the 2 other Heavy Mechs, leaving the Mesmer and Seth as "point guards", or less elegantly, Teleport Campers. Lacking the ability to get into an open engagement with the other bots of their class without serious logistical support! And if we ignore the PvP part and focus on PvE. They both get F'd again. They have to leave a spawn after killing a Mech/Heavy Mech. Not because of their armor, but because they are drain of accumulator. I challenge anyone who objects to THIS post, to honestly read what I linked above and will link again. The facts are there, the hard data is there, the proof that something is NOT right with Heavy Mechs. The Link again: http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … text-math/

P.S. if you feel this particular post sounds angry, or sounds spiteful, you are correct. After reading all the shameful posts you Perpetuum Online vets put up, how you BASH people who see the flaws, how you play them down or Troll, rather then actually participating and putting forth a logical argument towards 1 side or the other.. well lets just say I am sick of it. If the Devs want some real information on how to fix their game, they should listen to those that are new, those that are seeing exactly how things broke, who aren't afraid to speak up about. NOT to those that are trying to hold onto some fraking Island using the tactics they know. Not those that aren't ingenious enough to try and frak with the system. Not to those that have proven they only care about THEIR personal power, not in perfecting the game. Let your Trolling, your Flaring, your shear immaturity begin.


(17 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I agree, close range weapons should hit more often, and have a better chance then long range weapons.. More risk, more "reward"

I suppose that never occurred to me. I doubt it would happen to drop to 0% though.

Rodger Wilcoe wrote:

13. No. The point doesn't really matter as it is the rate which is important.

Actually the point does matter, because once you dip below 50% your recharge is LESS. If they move it to 35% that gives more time for you to get your recharge, because as is, in PvP all you have to do is bet someone below 50% and their bot will most likely no longer be cap stable.

Current system the peak recharge RATE (nudge nudge) is around 50%, the further from it, the lower your recharge RATE (nudge nudge). It should be moved to 35% so you can actually use more of your accumulator then just 1/2 of it.

Annihilator wrote:

about 2. we have target painting module for that. though, npcs not using them (yet)

Do target painters do that as a function? As in, mark it on the squad map?

Thank you for the discussions, they these were, again, just points that I had thought of. I haven't had a lot of personal experience with the Termis but I had just seen a lot of things about it. Thanks for talking about it.

Surge, I could see a module type item working.. just wish they would have done it from the beginning rather then kinda patching it up. Yes I can see it being a massive advantage for the large organizations and potentially hinder smaller organizations.

An idea came to me on the shared radar thing.. I just thought about this so yeah, idk if its a terrible idea or what. We know that "Charlie" Islands would eventually come out where we could terraform and/or construct structures.. maybe a Sensor Tower? Having X Range? The thing I can think of to "counter" the Tower would be a module that greatly masked your Bot and made it "stealth" to the sensors, but still visual. Idk, just a random idea-gasim.

When I posted it I forgot to include a few parameters that would probably be really needed for balancing. Also I can hopefully address your concerns.

1. Agreed. I should've stated I meant Private/Corporation only. Public are not needed.

2. I guess I can see that, but why would CIR care if they screwed NeX? ( tongue all I'm gunna say). At the very least make it so with Ratts, and EVE didn't do it because EVE had serious issues in many area's patched up with duct tape and Hilmar's greed.

3. Honestly, I don't see a problem with it Given they fix the unfair speed problems (Gotta love a Heavy Mech running faster then a Light Bot roll). Thank you for address that issue with the Kain though. I barely mentioned it in the OP.

4. Let me start out saying I HATE STATIC. I was an industrialist in EVE and I absolutely hated the belts. I always enjoyed exploring out Hidden Belts and wished that Belts would be destroyed and planetary ring mining/comet harvesting would be implemented along with an expansion of Hidden Belts. By Exploring I should have said Prospecting. When a natural deposit in the real world is used up, it is used up. I can understand a semi-static system for liquid materials, but NOT for solid materials. I know this isn't Earth but still.

10. A lot to read, but I'm not asking for a nerf, just a counter because speed doesn't equal less damage in Perpetuum. Yes blue bots can close the distance but running into a mob of Gropho screams "bad idea" to me. While playing the game I've never seen anyone having problems killing Yellow in PvE (different activity from PvP). They simply hide behind a hill, then go and get coffee. In PvP I could and HAVE seen problems with the "out range lasers", they have to have LOS and god forbid that there be a bump in the terrain big_smile. When you first start out the game, yes there is a 10% chance, but extensions very quickly reduce that to basically 0. I am trying absolutely best that I can NOT TO draw comparisons to EVE.

11. Only thing to the Lamba shield I can say is that the bot is damn slow, but it was a random thought I had in my head. Probably not a serious point.

12. Artillery... yeah forgot a few things. Base artillery have crap for accuracy onto the beacons and fire within a very LARGE around it, say anywhere from 0-500m. With Extensions you could reduce the size to a more accurate attack to about 0-300m (each level knocking 20M off the deviation). Only specific bots can provide the beacons

I know that I forgot a point that I really wanted to add, but with how my mind works I've completely forgotten it! It'll come back to me later. But in all seriousness, thank you Sabre for the constructive criticism and your valuable input on these points.

I was not sure if all of these had been lost in the sea of requests and brain-gasims. Also, I did not want to necro a thread to life because I feel that most of these are options that NEED to be ingame, or would be very nice to have ingame. Please do not flame about "find the search button"



I think it would be very beneficial to ALL organizations in the game if these few basic options were put into this amazing game. First I'll list them, then explain them below.

1. Contracts
2. Shared LOS Squad Radar
3. Squad "Map Ping"
4. Shifting Ore/Liquid deposits
5. BOOKMARKS. (or Waypoints 2.0)
6. Tradeable Scan Survey Items
7. Fix the Termis!
8. Various Forms of Standings alterations
9. Correct the Channel Ban system
10. Missile Balances (read before trolling, it is not a nerf request)
11. Lamba Shield Bot (again, read before trolling, its a random thought)
12. Things I'd like to see in the Artillery Mechanics and Bots
13. Change the peak recharge on Accumulator

Contracts would be a VERY useful option in the game. As of right now the only way to get items to a player is to physically be in the station with the person and open up a direct trade, or drop it in the corporation hangar for them. If the contract system were in the game, we could actually get items to other people, remotely and streamline many aspects of the game. EDIT: These would only be Private/Corporate. Public ones would be pointless and annoying.

I would hope that advanced robot AIs would be able to share their information with each other.. I find it a "little" strange that this isn't ingame already, but I will explain what I mean. It would be MUCH more helpful (both in PvE and PvP) if when the scouts detect hostiles on their radar, that it shows up for EVERYONE in the squad, not just their own radar. Rather then saying over Coms what they see, the squad members can simply look at their radar. We already have the radar showing were current squad members are, would this really be that difficult to implement into the game? big_smile

Map Pings.. I can not begin to count how many times (already) I have been taking someone to a spot on the map and trying to describe the location based on its physical attributes or proximity to a large object (i.e. a building or megalithic boulder). Being able to Ping on the radar would help EVERYONE. For scouts to call attention to a specific area of the map, for "FCs" to show exactly where the hell they are leading people, and for Ratters to show their friends where they can either get rich, or die in a horrible explosion. yarr

I want to start off saying that I love having to search for minerals, that they are dependent on the terrain and its physical features. But I am a little sad to see that the fields are all static. They don't move around when depleted, they simply regren. This quickly spoiled the "prospecting" high I was experiencing sad. I can also see this becoming an issue on Beta Islands as PvP'ers would know exactly where the Epriton Fields are and where to find some Riv and Riv Mk2s. (disclaimer; I havn't experience Beta Islands personally so please do not troll over that reason). Please make the mineral fields dynamic, to shift around these massive Islands, to make miners enjoy the thrill of finding a titanic titan ore deposit in the middle of no where all to themselves (lulz, titan ore). Liquids I can understand with being some semi-static form, but when a large ore deposit depletes it shouldn't grow back like its a plant. EDIT: Altered the wording some.

Ok, this is more of an upgrade then a new feature. As of right now you can open up your map, go to Waypoints, create a Waypoint from where your bot is, and name it. Cool. Unfortunately you can not rename the Waypoint, and in the case of a dangerous Ratt Spawn.. You kinda have to get a little close bc of where your Bot is at. Can we please make it so you can right click on the RADAR (or Map...) and ADD BOOKMARK, and have the ability to rename bookmarks without deleting them?

Trivial to everyone but a miner, and maybe I just haven't discovered it yet, but the only way I can give someone a Survey Scan (after its been turned into an item) is to place it into the Corporate Hangar. wtf srly? Why can we not Trade these to people? or put them into a Field container so our Mining buddies can understand just how MASSIVE the Epriton Field you've found really is? This just seems like a little "oops" mistake and a simple, but very helpful correction.

I understand that the Termis's accumulator "issues" can be corrected with good extensions and 2-3 Accumulator Rechargers, but wtf! Can you PLEASE fix the accumulator problem? Either up the base recharge or add a bonus that reduced the AC cost X% per level of Adv. Robotics? Food for thought. EDIT: The Termis is a good bot, but the combination of its bonuses, combined with the weak accumulator cause some issues. I know its not much to ask for a semi-skilled pilot but it seems to need some sort of attention.

I've seen these sort of things requested in the general channel by several people. Corporations able to set other people/corporations to some form of standings. People able to set an entire corporation to a specific standings. Ability to set ALL the members of your corporation to a standing.

The Ultimate Ban Hammar! Currently when you ban someone from a channel it is forever and ever. You must petition a GM to correct it and even then it doesn't always work (saw it happen last night). Channel Admins and Operators should be able to see a list of the Banned Individuals and remove them from that list if they so choose. We shouldn't have to create an entire new channel just because someone got a little to happy with Teh Ban Hammar! (incorrect spelling is for lulz).

EDIT: This is NOT a Nerf request!
When I first started playing my main (yes I'm posting under an alt) was a Pelistal character and now I am a Numiqol (sp?) character. I realize that missile have gotten a nerf in the past, but they need SOMETHING done to them. I believe every single Beta Island player will agree that PvP has become either very OP ECCM, speed Kains, and Gropho Swarms. In this particular paragraph I'll just talk about Missiles though. I personally don't know what could be done about this issue, but Missiles are very OP compared to other weapons. They require basically no Accumulator to fire, ignore virtually every aspect of the terrain, and with enough training (and its not much) will ALWAYS hit their target. The few suggestions I can think of at 5:30AM:

10A. -- Some form of a Laser Point defense module for the Head/Misc slots. This module would fire X number of times (based on extensions) and would have Y possibility of destroying the missile (based on extensions). These LPD Modules would be Squad Based, so any incoming missiles (to squad members) within Z range would trigger (when the LPD is active), and you could only increase the LPD's range with another Extension. Yes this adds at least 3 Extensions but it would be worth it in my opinion.

10B. -- An area of effect type module fitted into a Head/Misc slot that basically is a Signal Disruption Device causing X% of "miss" to missiles. Example being that when the 30 Gropho's fire into your squad, members with the SDD activate it and (extensions increase the % of scramble) cause the missiles to go off course and either explode too soon or soar off into a different direction. Basically the SDD would effect each income AND outgoing missiles, jamming their Guidance systems.

I do not believe it is fair to nerf missiles themselves any further even though they are OP. I believe that there does need to be some sort of defense for them since terrain does not effect them. The previous sentence is meant to say that the most basic defense for EM and lasers is to simply hide or use the terrain. EDIT: Yes missiles have a 10% chance to miss in the beginning, but that 10% quickly goes away with a few extra extensions. Yellow bots having a dual tank-wtf range are not an effective counter as the "tank" only works when NOT firing, and the wtf range is LOS.. god forbid there be a bump in the terrain. Blue Bots being faster? WOOT! I can run into my death and return to a station! Please do not be offended if you are 1 of the Grophos in the sea of Grophos.

This is honestly something I've just been batting around in my head while mining and listening to people talk. We all know how the shield mechanics work, and we've all seen Star Wars Eps 1 and the Gungans Lamba Shield Generators. We already have a fantastic shield system in the game that I personally believe is very fair. I do not know if it is even possible to create a Lamba Shield type Bot, I doubt the current shield mechanics would work that way. But the general idea (without thinking of ramifications or how to make it work) would be a bot, centered in the middle of a roaming gang of Deadly Robots generating a large shield. This bot would have no weapons, but would instead protrude this shield to protect the other bots. If the Artillery Bots and mechanics are implemented, this type of bot would be useful for protection AGAINST the barrage of death. Of course no one could shoot out of this shield, but once enemies entered the shield they could destroy the Lamba Bot and/or engaged the other bots. I would not know how this could effect the game, or how it could even work, but I think it would at least be interesting to think about.

Artillery, we've all heard it, we've all thought about how cool it would be, but please let me state what I believe would really make them something to both be feared, and destroyable. I would love to see the option to Ping a location, or drop a beacon that only Artillery Mechs would be able to lock on, and fire from long distances away. This would be the ONLY way they could use their deadly barrages and be safe. Think of the Sniper Team + Juggernaught combo in Command and Conquer 3, that sort of mechanic. On top of that, I personally believe that in order for these Artillery Mechs should be able to fire is if they Deploy. Yes I said Deploy. To make a slow, but mobile mech physically stop and take time to deploy. Make some cool animation of the legs breaking into pieces to secure it into the ground like pylons, the massive artillery "unfolding" and extending into long cannons/Cruise Missile Launchers. When Artillery Mechs are not deployed, they can still lock targets and engage them, just doing a vastly reduced damaged due to their weapons not being deployed. Also, when the Artillery Mechs fire on the beacon, make it so they are not all landing on it, make them fire within an area and deal splash damage like a real artillery, and Friendly-Fire is of course active, because it wouldn't be a true artillery Barrage without some Friendly-Fire. tongue EDIT: Only a specific type of bot would be able to drop a beacon for Artillery fire, and a Deployed artillery would consume SOMETHING for fuel (or something to counter-entrenched tactics)

At the moment the peak recharge is 50% but I believe it should be at 35%. At the moment you simply get someone below 50% and they are f'd. This means a vast amount of their accumulator is just waste. If it were at 35% you would have more of your accumulator to use, and be able to stand a better chance!

These are the things that I would like to see ingame and thought about.. I know its abit chaotic in reading and probably jumps around but its almost 6 AM my time and I am tired. Please reply with what you believe would be helpful to the thread, i.e. constructive criticism.