I'm not sure if this has been brought up before, but search didn't return anything based on my keywords, so... here goes:

Can we plase make the [ENTER] key cause an action when appropriate? For example, when moving cargo around and splitting stacks - it's be nice to be able to enter the value and then press enter - instead of having to click 'Ok' or whatever. Pretty much anywhere you can enter something and then it requires some kind of action to submit would be a good candidate for just hitting [ENTER] instead of having to click. Should be a simple addition ;)

Otherwise, love the game, love the new stuff coming down the pipe and love everything you guys have put into the game recently! Great work!

o/ All

Total noob here (it's in the name) but just want to remind all of the Eve players that have come here that this isn't CCP. That said, save your nerd rage for CCP, please. If you are a true vet of Eve then you will remember a time when Eve went through similar growing pains, yes? We made it through it and the game was better for it. This is a brand new and ever evolving MMO - these kinds of problems are to be expected, especially when they just got slammed by a bunch of ex Eve players like me :)

So, relax, take your pitchforks and torches back to CCP where they belong and give these guys a break, eh?

Also, while I'm on the topic - this isn't Eve. There are no internet spaceships here and while CCP had a lot of really good ideas for Eve, this isn't Eve. In other words, quit comparing this game to Eve and suggesting the devs include everything that Eve has just so it feels more like home to you. It's a different game with different lore and game play. Get into the lore and game play or don't get into the game I say. Enjoy it for what it is, don't hate it for what it isn't.

@Devs - really good job communicating and keeping on top of this issue until it's fully resolved. No need to be embarrassed... as I said - growing pains are to be expected :)