(14 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

while i feel spark tele is a problem with no obvious fix i cannot agree that it being based off standings would do any good. no standings required if corp owns outpost. . . . so the big corps who have outposts already can continue to teleport around and defend. whilst new guys in new corps have an even harder time to get involved in saps. its hard enough as it is.

wtf did you really spam chat for that long with no replies? big_smile


(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

why not just allow sparking on alpha 1 and 2 islands and perhaps a cooldown one for gamma. whilst i can understand its good to be able to defend your outposts and SAPs on beta by sparking it does kind of break the game for newer players and corps. there is no element of surprise really. you turn up to a sap and the whole corp teles to their outpost undocks in mechs and facerolls you smile which is only fun the first few times. it also means its much easier for a larger corp to hold control over lots more of the map that they dont even use.


(34 replies, posted in General discussion)

RAD- the new face of Perpetuum! smile