thank you again for your dedicated and awesome work. Particularly, I think everyone will agree your communication is incredible, and makes those kind of situation a lot lighter, and easier to deal with.

Greatdum wrote:

Imagine how many of potential subscribers you already lost.

In a time sensitive problem such as this, unnecessary pressure leads to absolutely nothing. The devs are working around the clock (some even went 72 hours straight without sleep until last night) to bring you the best experience possible. The best thing you can do right now is sit tight and be patient.

Never mind the cool background, the fitting screen is insanely cool o.0

It would be nice to have some sort of master account containing our infos, and then micro accounts containing our subscriptions and characters. That way we wouldn't have to register multiple times, and best of all, not open additional emails for the sake of Perpetuum smile

Awesome job guys, get some rest, you definitely earned it smile

Just as an aside, I can't log in, meaning, we reached the cap again wink


(14 replies, posted in News and information)

Awesome plans! I can't wait to see terraforming in action o.O


(16 replies, posted in Open discussion)

RedKGB wrote:

And that tally does not include me and our old corp. We were peons so we knew no one would notice us, but the cancel subs CCP would notice.

Oh I'm pretty sure they did notice. Welcome to Perpetuum by the way wink


(16 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Neoxx wrote:

But that pop increase is a drop in the bucket to eves population.  People are quitting, but the numbers here are hardly an indication of the scale.

No but a tally kept on the official forums points the way to upward 4500 accounts already closed. Youch.