(1 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Khader +2

I'm sure both ideas would be greatly appreciated by the fellow industrials.

Also, selecting multiple scans and "Display" button would be quite useful as well.

By the way is there any news on why you can only have one tile scanner data displayed on the ground? For example it would be nice to combine multiple scans on the same area and overlay it on top of each other to work out the average. I mean it can be already done on the map (without averaging) so shouldn't prove to be an issue of at least overlaying multiple tiled scans.


(29 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Rodger Wilcoe wrote:
kosdosu wrote:

What? That doesn't make any sense, you saying that when you become 30 years old you forever a 30yo and stop improving yourself?

Learn the difference between what you know and your capability to learn.

You are still not getting it...

Rodger Wilcoe wrote:

I don't see such implants mentioned in the lore, so it is you making the assumptions, not me.

Quoting from the lore: "With our state-of-art devices, we had broken down our physical and mental boundaries."

That not good enough for an assumption. Also, yet again you're completely missing the point here, there's nothing in the lore that disproves what i said.


(29 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Alrione wrote:

Read my other posts, I explained exactly what I meant.
I did not suggest redistributing stats.
The idea is you get a slight decrease on the cost of high levels of the specific skill.
Ie lvl7 will give you 1% discount, lvl 8 2%. lv9 3% and lv10 4%.
Based on each skill.
NO LEARNING or such skills.
If im learning heavy mecha, and decided to stick through with it, later levels would have little discount.
Its not blowing anything out of proportion and isnt overriding your initial stat choices, so the end result is still higher then someone with better suited stat.
View it simply as player incentive.

smile Fully support Alrione here, finally someone came up with constructive idea instead of whining at every single improvement. This by any means would not be groundbreaking and can bring nice longterm benefits.

Why should i suffer same degree penalty between industrial heavy mecha and any other type of heavy if im fully concentrating on industry? It only makes sense that i would learn how to control one faster then the latter.

Pak wrote:

Attributes in Perpetuum do not work the way they work(ed) in EvE. In EvE rising an attribute has a 'diminishing returns' effect. In Perpetuum it does the opposite: each new attribute point gives you more saving than the previous.
Therefore, if you are an industrial, no matter how slow your combat training is, if you were given a chance to boost an attribute, it should be your highest attribute (probably an industrial one).
Of course if they give us the possibility to boost ALL attributes, then we do want to do exactly that: boost them all. But given a limited choice, the highest one is the one to boost. Unless you know for sure you are never ever going to train anything with that attribute any more (not even the extensions that do not yet exist in the game at the moment).

Sort of agree, especially on the part about limited choice so you don't get bonuses across the board.

Zemetry wrote:

Personally, I hope implants and/or remaps are never introduced into Perpetuum. They reek of laziness.

I don't see how is what we talking about here closely relevant to what you just said.

Rodger Wilcoe wrote:

That isn't incentive, that is impatience and laziness.

Same to what i just said. smile

Khader Khan wrote:

So after I get chipped and scripted can i get a monocle too?

Go back to eve and buy one, this joke is old.

Rodger Wilcoe wrote:

Why bother with implants, lets just put in a "learning" extension

Completely disagree to be honest. Changing attributes makes more sense.

Rodger Wilcoe wrote:

Attributes are the core of the character and shouldn't be changed in my opinion.

What? That doesn't make any sense, you saying that when you become 30 years old you forever a 30yo and stop improving yourself?

Rodger Wilcoe wrote:

It is a poor assumption that technological development runs parallel. Just because you are advanced in some areas does not mean you are advanced in others.

There's nothing that says otherwise so how can you assume my assumptions are poor?


(29 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Norrdec wrote:

This idea could be good if it wasn't taken from EVE.

So you saying everything is always copied from EVE? You saying that god created EVE and then everyone copies it now? I don't see CS fans raging at BF fans for stealing their idea of "Shootan Game"...

Same idea can be implemented differently.


(29 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)


Okay now you exaggerating. I did not say we should take some knowledge and attach it to ourselves to make us superhumans... Nether i was getting "pissy" here and stop telling me to RTFM, there is no specific lore that says we cannot have this technology.

What i meant is brain activity augmentation. If you had an implant that allows you to concentrate better, would you be able to read and comprehend books better? Yes. Increasing you attributes is exactly that. When you finish university you don't just stop developing, you can go to another university or self-teach.

And its bull that the technology is not there for us to make implants. If humankind is so advanced to use wormholes, we certainly can understand human anatomy and brain activity on an incredible level. It would be expensive to produce obviously since nanotechnology would be involved.

Yes to get them i was thinking we can brainstorm. Reputation plus alot of Nic? Cannot produce them since its controlled by big corporations which hold the rights but then again, "underground" illigal activities can reproduce them using reverse engineering? But that obviously would require alot of skills and knowledge.

The actual implants themselves would be of different grade or tier? Like T1 would be bare literally 1 point in attribute, T3 like 3-4, i was thinking making them not as ground breaking but if you want to go that extra mile you would want to go for those expensive toys.

Obviously you cannot have gazzilion implants on your head since your head is not a moon so some restrictions would be required which means you cannot improve all of your attributes at the same time, will have to do a trade-off between lets say industrious and warmongering pathways.


(29 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Neoxx and Rodger, What the hell are you talking about, on land or in the goddamn space it doesnt matter, your attributes are directly linked to the human you are playing... And they are the one affecting your extensions... and by installing implants on yourself you affect your attributes which in return improve your extension installation rates...

Then again its only a discussion, I like the way extensions work. Just wanted to see what people think about implants.


(29 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Haven't seen any threads about that, and looking thru in-game and wiki i couln't find a way to improve my Attributes.

An interesting idea to look into maybe? Implants, perfectly fits with the game story/gameplay.

Humans realised that to survive they need to augment themselves, and thru extensive cybernetics research they found an easy way of attaching chip devices to their body to augment different statistics.

I know this idea is not new but would be such an improvement, because for example im struggling with my robotics skill tree, since i went industrial my attributes to tactics and robotics are bare low thus to research for example lvl6 of basic robotics will take me weeks, i dont even want to know how much it will take me to get to lvl8 to ride heavy industrial mechas. Or at least reduce the complexity tier of skills that involve getting industrial bots for industrial specialised people and keep it high to get any other bots.

Tell me what you think guise.

Not sure if this might be interesting or helpful to you guise but here is my troubleshooting:

After roughly 1-2 hours of gameplay my sounds starts buggering up, by that i mean different sound effects start dissapearing, but not all. Background noises stop happening, some weapon sounds are heard but most are or very quiet or not playing at all. Music is okay thou.

So as soon as this happens i already 99% know that next docking or teleporting i do will crash my client, which 99% of the times it does.

You sir, win internets cool
Brb sending you NICs wink