(51 replies, posted in General discussion)

You don't really need a trusted third party until you start to get things which cannot be put on the market or directly traded in an outpost.

Not having delved too deeply into the game, are there such things? (Like, supercapital sales, Moon rights or wormholes in EvE)


(44 replies, posted in General discussion)

AeonThePiglet wrote:

We pumped your server full of man so hard you had to duct tape it back together!

But you did it quick, and you were cool about it. Bangarang.

Wait...duct tape? Server is Minmatar?

EDIT: Favorite quote from work: 'Put enough band-aids on a cube, and it will roll.'


(386 replies, posted in News and information)

999 will be the number

Thank you Gentelemen....now...boost EMP guns and nerf everything else plox

Hums the Jeopardy theme song 60 times in a row...Like a metronome.


(28 replies, posted in General discussion)

I for one am not going back to EvE. I've not spent enough time here to figure out what niche I get to fit in.

Just trying to get a grip on it. Doing some missions...might try mining.


(133 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Vaneshi SnowCrash wrote:

If I could sign-in I'd bounce in to NeX; probably need to reset this toon due to it being... "Gallente" IYSWM big_smile

I very much on purpose did not read any of the 'eve -> perpetuum' dictionaries or other setup docs/guides before creating my agent.

I followed my gut and read all the choices during setup. It may not have been the 'right' or most optimal way of doing it. But it was the way I started EvE, and I'll be starting Perpetuum the same way. Head first and balls to the wall.

I enjoy making my own fun in a sandbox. I'll just have to figure out what my fun here will be. It might take a couple years, but I'll figure it out. (It took almost two years to find the 'punish the stupid' schtick of the IEEE, but in the meantime, there are game mechanics to explore for the first time.)

I'll also probably not be joining NeX. Because it will probably be too much of a crutch for me. I'm a former EvE Player. I do like things in Hard Mode (tm) (No jokes about Zed not being Minmatar, the true definition of EvE in hard mode for a few years)

As an Ex-Pat myself... I've actually gone through and read most of the devblogs, hit the manifesto etc. And as long as they stick to it and don't fling a giant steaming pile into the sandbox, it is all good.

Put the pitchforks down and back away slowly. So far nothing egregious to see here. If you see me bailing noisily, that might be about the right time to grab the eject bar and pull.

All of us EvE Ex-Pats are probably feeling a tad gun-shy right now. (I know I certainly am) But let's let them get the game off the ground. They need a community, we need a sandbox. I think we can work it out. (And if we get their market working...we can probably kick things into the next gear)


(133 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Zed checking in.

Looking forward to figuring out all the game mechanics. I doubt that until the player base gets bigger that the IEEE will make an appearance tho.

But am looking forward to the time when it will be viable.

Until then, see you fine folk in game. I'll be the one trying to figure out how to make an Industrial work as a fine weapons platform.