(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Sorry if this is obvious somewhere and I just missed it, but when (between what hours) does the usually scheduled downtime on this game server take place?  thanks!


(27 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Wow, you all are pretty nice to each other smile   

Thanks for the info Alvar - I did go check out your gaming clan's website, but couldn't see much from the public forums.  I'll talk to you guys later when I'm ingame though.  o/


(191 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Thanks for the info Toku.  I'm trying hard to leave the EVE terminology behind and embrace this world for what it is on it's own without comparing all the time.  For me, CTA = call to arms, sometimes for defense of your home, but other times just scheduled ahead of time for roaming pvp/good fights.   I haven't read up on the wiki yet about how you all keep sov/ownership of your island? outpost? whatever - but I did understand that your corp was on a beta island and so made me think of EVE nullsec. 

I've tried this game for a few days with this temporary toon to see if it looked like a place I could stay a while, and I'm now looking at how I want to configure my first permanent main toon.  I've been in Eve for 5 years now and have obligations to close out with my corp/alliance before I leave it (and move my assets & toons back to highsec incase I ever want to go back), but I have no joy at logging into it anymore.  Not mad at CCP etc, just looking to do something different.

I'm trying to wrap my head around how you guys play the game without a capitalistic framework - that's a new one on me. I'll have to think about it.  Also - it's always good to find other women in the corps in these hard (not fantasy) sci-fi games, not a requirement for me, but good.  Finally - glad to hear you speak english sorta kinda on TS because my school russian & french wouldn't get me very far in a conversation.  See you ingame once the server gets straightened out.  o/


(27 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Since I can't log on, hope these questions are ok in here.....  What TZ are you most active in?  How many CTA do you call in an average week? What activity requirements do you have..... and are there any women in your corp (serious question)?   thanks!


(191 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Since I can't log on, hope these questions are ok in here.....  What language do you all use on TS?  What TZ are you most active in?  How many CTA do you call in an average week? What activity requirements do you have..... and are there any women in your corp (serious question)?   thanks!

Lemakor wrote:

I interpreted the bars at the top as resists. So it would be prefferable to shoot with Thermal ammo at a Nuimqol bot and not with Seismic one. That way those arrows pointing from one type to the next would be making sense, too (Thelodica shoots Thermal so its the worst enemy for an Numiqol and so on).

Mind you, I am just a noob, too, just saying how i interpreted the sheet. smile

thanks for explaining the colored arrows.... I didn't get that part until now.

Thanks for the detailed info smile  I'm a noob player here and I'm enjoying the heck out of this game and the community.   Stuff happens - good luck with a quick resolution to the problems!