(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

B2Y Citinetty wrote:

what would you prefer, or are you just trolling ugly ugly ugly ?

ignore him, he is just trolling.

report and get him banned.


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

Neoxx wrote:
Gravemind wrote:
Jasdemi wrote:

Show me on this graph where EVE is dying: http://eve-offline.net/?server=tranquility

hmm when i read the (All Time (daily average) Graph then EVE is dying, and no im not reading it from left to right. Im reading it from right to left.

If you were to have seen the perpetuum yearly population graph (has since been taken offline) you would have concluded the same thing, except EvE happened and we got a boost in numbers.  Dont be surprised if you see the same slow move of less people daily if there isnt some sort of major update or other EvE thing that sends more our way.  It may accelerate the rate of decay for eve, but I wouldn't say the game is ready to shut down for a while.  We'll see when that whole loan thing comes to pass.

i agree with that.

Jasdemi wrote:

I heard Gravemind was buttraped in EVE and couldn't afford a monocle. Hence he's so angry.


you cant make me mad lol


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jasdemi wrote:

Show me on this graph where EVE is dying: http://eve-offline.net/?server=tranquility

hmm when i read the (All Time (daily average) Graph then EVE is dying, and no im not reading it from left to right. Im reading it from right to left.


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jasdemi wrote:

Can I have your stuff?

hey bro, i heard you are mad cause Perpetuum is evolving and EVE is dying.

Can i have your Perp stuff?


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

The last few days i was monitoring the Forums and the Game + User peak graphs to see how well its going for the Game.

I can list few points where the Game did grow:

  • 1. Market is filling up prices are skyrocketing up too!

    -Arbalest 550k NIC 5 Days ago / ca. 1mil NIC right now
    -More Sell orders than a week ago.

  • 2. New players and EVE Refugee's joining this Game.

    -1st July we had about 770 Players in the evening Primetime of the Server.

    -2nd July the User Peak is already at 600 Players in the noon. (Maybe its just Saturday Weekend tongue)

  • 3. Community Activity

    -More Community made/hosted Fanlore (Fanfics/Podcasts/Vids/Pics/Forums) we have available.

Now i would like to point out one or two :thumbsdown: that makes my Heart bleed sad

1. The Rats in the Game are so limited so other players (even people in my own corp) are killing off my Rats because there are too less Rats on the Field.

-For example: I am Farming the 1st Star Havocs in Attalica, doing my lvl1 Mission and then there comes other 3 People and shoot off my Rats, theres really only 1 Spawn that contains 3-5 NPC Bots who are not enough.

2. Needs more Highways.

-I see on the Map too few Highways and if i see one its only few Meters long or is forcing you to walk 1/3 of your destination Fast and then the other 2/3 your Normal Robot/Mech Speed.

3. NPC's are able to run into Inaccessible Area where you normally couldnt walk.

User Peak Reference: http://content.perpetuum-online.com/fee … h_1200.png

ps: its my opinion dont nail me on the wall if you think different roll
pss: if you think my english is bad, keep my typos wink :german:




(1 replies, posted in General discussion)




(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

Major Hazzard wrote:

As an ex-EVE :bittervet: who subbed his account with ISK bought PLEX, I'd hope that it isn't introduced into Perp at this time. With such a small population I don't think that this would be of benefit at this time.


Here are my Suggestions we could do right now while our beloved Devs are fixing it up.

  • Help Advertising for the Game so it doesnt get forgotten

  • Creating Community Content(Youtube Videos/Funny Ingamepics etc.)

  • Making Tutorials to Specific paths in the Game(Combat/Mining/Trading/Producing etc.)

  • Dont get the DEV's on their nerves by creating useless Threads. (I would consider my thread useless tongue)

  • Try Help finding the Issue so the DEV's can fix it up real soon by sending Crashdumps or Logs that reveals the troublemaker.

I like this Game really much and i want to see it growing bigger than EVE(if its even possible in the future tongue)

NEVER STOP POSTING, You can add something that Helps the Game and the Community. In this thread if you wish. cool

server there...userlimit...there are ppl actually paying for this you know

dont be so bitter, atleast they are working on it.. and they are not ccp with 100 man working on a fix. just be a little more patient and wait for the best. cool

tiny tim wrote:

Doh, should of checked the forums before I skived off work to clean out my GPU and do some more Perping.

Ah well, guess that stack of dirty dishes is gonna get some attention now....

Also: loving the game and happy to see such great dev involvment with your players.

/subbed 2 accounts.

They are rebooting the Server now, general chat was having a delay.

i can login, server is public


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

its too early to think about perp plex.

theres not enough market activity yet. too much demand but not enough offers to feed the masses.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

they are more focused on fixing up the game and making it better than have a huge PR and crappy unbalanced and buggy game.

time will tell, they already got attention by massively and im sure more will come and probably will review the game or interview the devs.


(89 replies, posted in General discussion)

Inda wrote:

