You rule! smile


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

Smokeyii wrote:

blah blah rage 24.h.o.u.r.s.

We'll win the same way we always have, thanks for caring though. But yeah it's AOK to take a dump on other people's efforts if those people are not on your best-friends list. Sweet logic.

It's amazing how petty and narrow-minded you are. Grats for that I guess.

Keep riding that ragetrain, I look forward to another epic wall of text in CD in future.

+1 was just about to post this smile

Alexander wrote:

This seems very fair. You can mine 240U of Epriton in the time it takes to get a simple unit of this rare mineral.


Celebro wrote:

I just must have been lucky but got 1 unit dyerepitron pl40 just mining titan for 10min big_smile

Like I said the sample is way too small to make an accurate statement about drop chance. But yeah you might have been lucky smile


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:

I didn't see the spawn rate changed on the patch notes. Either its working as intended or they havn't figured out why it's happening; or forgot to note it.

Since they changed the spawning on your head thing, this is going to have the effect of making them spawn outside of radar range. So I think the respawning instantly is intended, but they fixed it so you'll have to now move and look for them after killing it.

So far it seems fixed. We had a bunch of observers on Danarchov - around 8 but after killing them off it's been quiet for a good while now.

No hard data as the sample is still way too small. However our miner reported getting one unit of Dyrepriton PL10 from about 240U of Titan Ore mined. PL10 recycles for 3000 Epriton, PL40 for 6000, PL90 for 9000.

Edit: Values don't take into account waste factor.

Just a fyi for all. By mining titan on alpha it's possible to get Dyrepriton randomly.

Have fun. smile

Edit: Recycling the Epriton is affected by the regular waste formulas, so the amounts shown in info don't reflect real yields.


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

Siddy wrote:

First of all, how does this refute my argument about the EULA?

Second, why are you implying? The insurance thing was done by the book, don't make me open old wounds, you will lose that argument.

Are all my arguments regarding this topic invalid just because my M2S tag?

Brilliant rhetoric, sir.

If you have some evidence to add that devs missed, you know how to contact devs. I, however, did not criticize or accuse CIR for exploiting. I merely stated criticism about the way syndic decided to word his post, and about the "customer blame" poo-post snowman vomited.  I dear you to even begin argue your point about the validity fore mentioned two.

I never said it did refute anything, just that it's very interesting how M2S seems to be trying so hard to get CIR for any wrong doing. Maybe not you personally, but you don't have to look far to see people in your corp who do and try so very hard, like mr failspy aka Kamikazie aka "let me poast failshops on my personal domain" for example.

As far as anything you say being invalid because of M2S tag, nope it's not but it's hard to stay objective these days wink. Just look around the forums. Anything that CIR says is automatically trolled, no matter how valid. If any other corp had reported this the responses from the likes of "Mrs" Kaid would have been vastly different, guaranteed.

As for Snow, well he is a man who likes his wine, what can I say.

So yeah again - CIR killed some observers that kept respawning right outside the outpost, then reported it when nobody else would. Go ahead and ban us for it lol.


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

I can tell you exactely how much CIR profited:

- We farmed around 30ish Observer kernels from from obs spawning around Danarchov. Those were blue observer kernels btw, and we have finished the blue true for quite some time.

- I also traded Purgatory 30 blue Observer Mech kernels for 30 red ones. Those 30 were however already in our storage from way before that.

Devs are free to verify this information and act accordingly should they find out different shenanigans took place, as I'm sure you won't believe me smile

I bet there should be some braincells in anyone's brain that can actually subscribe to this game that PERHAPS a non-stop high value NPC, that can yield you untold riches, might not be intended?

You mean like making many off of blowing up bots? And it's really stretching to compare a known duper who did nothing to report any kind of bug to this situation. And if you look at the corp tag of the people making the accusation...really? But yeah of course, NONE of you had ANY idea what Styx was doing. lol.

"Zoh Noes CIR got 30 Blue Observer mech kernels, then reported it on forums that there was a problem!!!"

We need all need to be banned obviously.

Stop burning failspies and trying so hard it's getting really really sad. wink


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

Worst way to burn a spy ever. Thanks for entertainment lol


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

Puffalmp wrote:

If I read that right, and I am aware its at AC's discretion and interpretation of those two documents that matters, but before people who have not done this go and do it. Lets look at what is happening.

I am Syndic... (bad taste in my mouth after saying that but its only for a moment... However he admits to maxing his corporations tech trees so hes my guinea pig.)

I have a not so complete tech tree on all my builders. I can build some T4 and some not.  I am competeing with the rest of Nia for kernels to further advance my tree.(NOTE: I said some not all. Don't argue well I already had them maxed. If you do kudos.)

Trolling along one day with my giant blob we find that observers instantly re-spawn and start farming it for kernels.

Several hundred later, I have used them to max my tree or sold them for several million nic a piece and bought the ones I needed. I am now at a significant advantage as now several accounts can build shiny T4 stuff by prototyping them.

I now report it on the forums as a bug(in the wrong section...) hoping it will get noticed and fixed before the rest of Nia can max their tech trees.

End being syndic...

Where do I get this all from... I was on your teamspeak3 server when you realized that it is a farm-able bug/exploit/glitch/trick call it what you want. The time of which I first heard it on there and the time of which it got reported are hours apart...

Just so you cant say no I was not... Yes I am from Germany, no you cant ask me who I am. 255 logins though... that should tell you I have been there for a loooong time.

I ask that players join me in wanting anyone who used this mechanic to gain an advantage over those of us who did months worth of work on tech trees to be dealt with. The advantage presented was unfair and apparently AC knows it was an issue as it got fixed on today's patch.

LOL you stupid noob. Out of all the people you could have picked you had to pick me. Nice try lol lol lol

And that was taken today as Skarold changed his name to that earlier today. So yeah. Story does not check out.



(11 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Dorgin Bloodfist wrote:

I like it, I really really do.

I envision a nice blob of little arkhes running up and repeatably trying to steal until the chain reaction goes and everyone dies in a ball of fire.  Tempting, very tempting.

Yay for no-risk grief mechanics? Really?

Let it die lol


(13 replies, posted in Balancing)

It really really does not need to be buffed in any way. Just because the numbers aren't in-line doesn't mean it's broken.


(11 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Might be fun, but what you gonna steal exactly? Ore is too heavy for non-haulers and a stealth hauler might be just a tad OP.

Ammo? hmm

Would be great to know but I don't really expect an answer.


(60 replies, posted in General discussion)

Annihilator wrote:

wtf are you talking about??

Arkhes respawn timers require server restars, which is all Microsofts fault. Duh! big_smile


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

Error wrote:

No you mean quite the opposite, don't you? Look at my pic ... it's making you sound as stupid as you look" is more accurate.
What do you mean by posting with your main? I fear sorry for your paranoia:(
Btw it's more about your (corp) ridiculous argumentation why observer spawns should be fixed.

It's ridiculous now to want broken observer spawns to be fixed? Read up please, multiple people have reported this and I have spoken to a GM who said Devs are aware and fixing it.

There is no CIR conspiracy no matter how hard you wish for it, but yeah I'm the paranoid one. lol


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

According to GM convo I just had Devs are aware and working on it.


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

Error wrote:

Dude what are you smoking? Either you're talking bullshit or you (and your corp) is the only one using/knowing of this exploit(?). I've hunted Observers since i started playing ... and it happened only 2 times that another GO spawned the moment i killed one. One more ... not 5, not 20! Hardly a broken mechanic. Have a look at the prices for GO kernels ... higher than ever before. Obviously the market isn't flooded with them.
Do i have to remind you that it was easier to farm them in past? Hint: fixed spawning and artifact scanning mechanisms in terms of observers.

Oh CIR has its research already completed ?? Of course AC should take observers out of game now. CIR = happy = all happy? No.

Afraid of large gangs coming for you in T4 fitted Mechs soon?

Butthurt much? Yeah ok nothing out of the ordinary is happening this is CIR attempt to get Observers removed from game. Please get fing real and take the tinfoil hat off, it's making you look as stupid as you sound. roll

And post with your main you coward. And if you ever happen to actually sack up we will welcome your T4 fitted mechs with open arms.


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

The ones we're talking about keep spawning over and over, up to like 5 times or more.


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

Oh we do too, it's just that this funky mechanic is kinda *** on everyone who has been grinding for months.

But I understand completely, game is "too hard" for ADD kids and the subs, oh the precious subs, must be saved. I mean, how dare people who have been playing longer, have an advantage?!!?! Now gief purples plx.

Btw this is, indeed, flamebait big_smile

No, we farm em still here and there.


(2 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

The requested URL /feeds/robotdeath_graph_600.png was not found on this server.

Edit: I see what you did there big_smile
