They shouldn't be balancing around what 2% of the population is capable of doing. That's only fun for the 2% and frustrating for everyone else.

They should balance around what at LEAST 20% is capable of doing. That brings in more competition and better fights and markets.

By catering the game toward M2S they drive away everyone else.

So how's that 200 people server working for ya' eh devs?

The population issue is the exact reason they should go free to play!
Just charge monthly for EP accumulation, let people play for free without EP accumulation.

F2P games have HUGE populations, and while the extra players do cost a very small amount to service they bring value to the game by giving everyone else people to play with/against. Half of this game's balance issues are caused by lack of population, bring in more people with f2p and you solve that in one shot!

F2P are also ideally suited to something that this particular genre suffers badly from: the need for sheeple. PVPers in hardcore games like this like to kill people and make them lose stuff, there's never enough people willing to lose stuff as people wanting to PVP and win.

Froobs would be low-EP toons with poor skills that could provide a consistent player-base for the higher-skill paying players to farm. And since there's an huge enormous F2P base out there, it would be nearly never-ending.

It would be a win win all around.
(Gets dark in her without my torch!)


(189 replies, posted in Balancing)

I would propose that they add a new class of mech specialized in killing light bots. Call it a 'glass cannon' that can almost one-shot a Light EW. They would of course die to mechs.

The problem is this game is too linear, there's no rock-paper-scissors.

It's like you stopped at rock-paper and called it good.

IMHO defense should have an advantage because defense is boring and attacking is fun.

This is a game. You are going to by default get more people who want to have fun than not have fun, so there will always be more attackers than defenders.

What you have to do is figure out the ratio for YOUR game then balance the attacking bots vs defending bots strength based on that ratio.

As someone who is considering joining this game with my DDO guild, I think it's more reasonable that it take 2-3 months(4 at the most) to get to top CURRENT tech in some areas with 60-80 people in a guild. 6 months is IMHO too long.

Another factor you need to consider is that this is only the current tech in the game. As they add items for us to use both higher tier and a wider selection(like the arties they promise) the grind will only get longer. For a 6 month old game with a relatively short current tech tree, 6 months is too long.

The more I read the less I think I'll be joining this game with my guild, although I am still considering it. It's not that it's a bad game, or the time required, it's that the devs keep making the wrong decisions if their aim is to increase the fun factor and accessibility to new players.

It is just a game after all.

PoS and player built structures will only raise the risk of defending and losing, this generally encourages less of it. Due to the dev's support of gate camping(sorry, choke point defense!), I don't forsee any defensive structures actually being built, only economic ones.