I like this post. If we try to moderate ourselves and keep things civil that's less time a dev has to waste babysitting our conversation.

MMO forums are notoriously filthy, but this one actually seems to have a far smaller percentage of trolls than most. Let's try to keep it that way.


(46 replies, posted in General discussion)

I laughed so damn hard.


(14 replies, posted in Q & A)

Hey all. I'm having trouble making money, and i'm pretty sure i'm just missing something and understand.

I went the combat route. What i've been doing is taking bounty missions but they take forever since there's usually 5 people camping a spot where 3 mobs a minute spawn. if you aren't the one who grabs them first it can take several minutes just to get a single kill.
I lose money doing this instead of gaining because I burn through ammo and the cost to keep that up is more than I recieve.
I thought maybe I should be selling the random modules I pick up but they're all damaged and repairing them costs more than they sell for. So i started recycling them and get a couple hundred monies at most per trip so that isn't the right stuff either.

what am I missing here. I would like to not spend tons of ep on mining skills although i wouldn't mind some form of industry as a secondary focus for production of some kind if it doesn't require the entire process of mining to production. like I said i'm not looking to spend that much ep on it.

so what am i missing here. i'm sure it will be obvious but I can't seem to figure it out.


(7 replies, posted in Q & A)

Thanks for the help guys. I already spent thousands of EP without having a clue what direction i wanted to go in.

is there a specific type of ewar the intakts and chameleon get bonuses for? i don't quite understand what the different types of ewar actually do. Also, what's demobbed mean?


(7 replies, posted in Q & A)

well. generally I like a fighter/support type of play style. not dps, but enough to hold up in a fight.

for combat i'm not a fan of missiles or the magnetic style weapons, this is purely from the way they look not from any actual knowledge of how the game works. I'm one of those gamers that likes trying to use less used weapon systems to challenge myself as well. It just keeps me involved in a game longer.

as for the support half. I like debuffing style support, things like electronics warfare. I'm really pretty open to any style of support though. I've enjoyed healers in MMOs as well as buff oriented play. Debuffing is just my main preference.

so knowing nothing of this game and being a complete noob I guess to sum it up: fast, mobile debuffer that can add a decent amount of damage to a fight.

If it was influenced, good.

stEVE is a brilliant game, one of the very few true MMOs on the market that isn't just a multi-player dungeon crawl which isn't what MMO used to mean or where they started. The theme park MMO is a devolution of the genre. I've said for years I wish someone would make a game like stEVE but not so boring. Because even though it hands down has the absolute best mechanics of any MMO in the end the whole experience can feel very stale and disconnected since it's essentially "spread sheet in space."

There is nothing wrong with using a good idea and expanding upon it in a different direction.

influneced or not, either way perpetuum has my $ because they had the balls to make a true MMO which is a million times harder than making yet another quest collector game.


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

agreed. There is so much potential here because they've actually designed a great base for a game. Instead of worrying over making enough quests to kill x number of bugs they tackled a true sandbox mode where they can grow and add more as it goes. As long as we all keep that in mind and appreciate such a small group of people going after such a difficult endeavor I think this MMO will thrive.


(7 replies, posted in Q & A)

Hey all, first off this game has amazing potential. I'm so excited to see devs finally have the balls to make an MMO in the way they used to be made where it was a good solid foundation of tools for players to shape their own world instead of the crap that passes for MMOs now a days.

anyway on to my question.
can anyone give a very basic run down of the things that each corp leans towards. I realize anyone can train any skill, but they obviously favor certain types of modules or forms of combat. I can't seem to find this anywhere.

for example: corp X - lasers, ecm, missile drones, generally high capacitor low armor but fast.

Any guidance would be much appreciated because my first char I just picked blind and I'd rather pick something that might suit my play style now instead of waste time and find out a month from now I picked options that go completely against how I like to play.


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm running under bootcamp. but to be honest I only installed and logged in to see if the server was up and then I went and played on my PC. I'll play a bit tonight under my bootcamp partition and let you know if i'm having the same issues.