(76 replies, posted in Q & A)

Most Wanted wrote:

beautiful singing, girl. I was on the site of the farm, and enjoyed it. I walked for 5 minutes, I called my child. when I came back there was already Goshka. we were not able to resolve the issue amicably, I used the mechanics of the game to take revenge on him because he interfered with my farm. Then they began to mock me in the general chat. and now on the forum trying to defile me

the statement "we were not able to resolve the issue amicably" means that the only thing I received in vicinity chat from him was: "I will fu*king show you ratting!!!".
It is up to you what to think.


(76 replies, posted in Q & A)

Last but not least: I don't know the reason this guy hates most of russian players, BUT THERE IS TOO MUCH swearing in PMs and general chat. Most of it is in russian, however it is a violation of in-game conduit.

Receiving PM and General Chat something like: "you, idiot, can write 100 petitions to Zoom, haha!" isn't fun.


(76 replies, posted in Q & A)

Same with me! He was literally sitting there doing nothing. I was farming more than 40 minutes and he "appeared". Without discussion, without prevention, he simply started swearing and came on EWAR.
More, he started following me to other spawns!

If you think it is reasonable gaming - then sorry: may be I get something wrong.

The only thing I would ask for is...for industry assignments, please, STOP transforming em into DPS assignments. Wasn't at all fun lvling my indy char. Especially when you go on an argano for some CT mission and a spawn of lights appears on top of you.


(155 replies, posted in Bugs)

Jita wrote:

People will argue white is black and black is white all the while doing something they quite openly say they know is wrong just because they can. Idiocy.

Nope, it's called hypocrisy. "We are damn good, we are the best of the best. Exploiting a bug wasn't yet prohibited, so shut up! - we're still GOOD".


(155 replies, posted in Bugs)

Aye Pod wrote:
Jita wrote:

It's your idiocy. Its not their job to spend all their very limited time closing every loophole some player with aspergers finds. Thats ridiculous. Do you stick your head out of open train windows if you find them because it's there job to keep them closed? Do you put spill coffe on yourself to check if it's hot when its not labelled?

Why do you need the Devs to stop you all from behaving like a ***?

this is a SANDBOX with what you do having a very real impact on the success of the game. It's up to YOU to take responsibility for YOUR playstyle and YOUR actions and so far they have been lacking. If it's not bad enough to get caught out in a lie about other players who gave you their trust while doing the podcast now your apologizing for people abusing the mechanics to grief people in arkhes.

Your a disgrace.

You sir are pathetic. Throwing a tantrum because you get you panties in a twist. You are the real cancer of this game.

Ville, stop commenting from your Twink, everyone knows that's you.

Real cancer of this game are some sociopatic napoleonic complexed jerks who needed to be in 50 overheavy mechs against five robots! Stop playing the educated man, cuz we all know very well who you are!
Despite my outrage and the promiss of mixing this game with sh*it on Steam... I made positive comments about it with all my accounts.
Guess what I see? Mega ass-licker Ville, the fierce defender of this game, the champion of champions in perpetuum promotion... WROTE AN EXTREMELY NEGATIVE appreciation note. It is really obvious how you care about Perpetuum overall.
You may think whatever you want, but the whole server on the other side (along with some hundred who will NEVER ever return) think totally different about you guys and your playstyle. It's a pity, cuz those will never even want to come back. I wouldn't, if I would be them. When you deploy on a waspish along with prometheus and baphs and u're stomped with a huge fleet of kains - this isn't fun. All migrated playing TESO big_smile


(155 replies, posted in Bugs)

Jita wrote:
Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:

The DEVs are told about this and the idiots just keep silent. If they had half a brain they (DEV Zoom) would simply state Further abuse of given bug (listed) will result in action being taken against the abusers Account. Very simple really.

While I agree wholeheartedly that this should have been done for lots of things and this the fact remains that you guys know this and do it anyway. Why?

Cuz they being good (Ville's rethoric).


(155 replies, posted in Bugs)

Jita wrote:

So its a known bug you have reported and your doing it anyway? Is that the tl,dr?

Jita, let him PLEASE just be good! I beg you!
Don't u see he called it with his alt....A STRATEGY?


(155 replies, posted in Bugs)

Inda wrote:

Sorry Goshka you know me, but that argue is not valid.

The game isn't have low population beacuse anyone was active. That happened all the time, I just said to on the Forums, Steam will come and decrease the playerbase. This is nothing about that caused any player.

We can further analyzed that, by the CIR/77 side of players has many expeirnce in Perpetuum and has some playtime to play. The other branch just more casual, you cant fight by casually with hardcore gamers.

Inda, there is a limit between actual fighting and humiliating the newbies. Won't give concrete names, but some newer alliances would be much much bigger if somebody wouldn't be... "GOOD" (in Ville's understanding)! And the funny thing is...they (e.g. CIR and alliance) know that. May be they dont admit.

Concerning ETHOS alliance, we know what you did and you've earned even more respect from our side (even thogh I kill yu! big_smile). Would be nice if others understand it.


(155 replies, posted in Bugs)

Ah, mr grown up "move along, peasant" (words from Ville's pm to me) now may be wants to have peace. No more 2x 3x numbers, Ville? No more zerging and afraid fighting on even (or close to) numbers? Ah, I forgot, you guys just are...BEING GOOD (u need to make sure u gather 50 people online to attack).


(155 replies, posted in Bugs)

Aye Pod wrote:
Goshka wrote:

Well it is quite funny hearing from YOU the syntagm "bad guy". Really? Being good you mean smashing everyone (even the Steam newbies) until they give up playing? Building bases on all gammas? Capturing all Betas and not giving em to anyone?
This u call "being good" ?
In most of PVP-emphasizing games there is a certain limit each faction can get (power, influence, domination e.t.c.). You just did everything to make it 99,9999% and even your alliance got damn bored - outstanding logic. Excuse me, you might call it JUST as you want, but it's definetely NOT... being good!

If you dont like this game then dont play. Its not our fault you are playing a game where the big bad man can achieve 99,9999% (power, influence, domination e.t.c.) like you say.

Im trying to be nice but your post is just a bunch of whining.

Good day.

Ofc, mr grown man, ofc u achieved it! The 99% power. And u killed the game! GJ! With almost 300 online at the beginning of June it ended with 30 online! GJ again!


(155 replies, posted in Bugs)

Aye Pod wrote:

@Goshka The only thing my alliance is guilty of is being good. Its not our responsibility to make sure feelings don't get hurt in the process. In case you haven't noticed but most of my alliance hasn't been active in this game for a long time. In our absence your corporation has stepped up to fill the role of server bad guy so you can stop with all the QQ about "decency."

@Russians Im not trolling. The strategy I am speaking of is finding cover until the enemy runs out of bullets. Its not fun when it happens to you but I don't think its a broken game mechanic.

EDIT: @Anni Can you pls link the change logs that back up your claim that it is a bug/exploit? I cant find them and doubt it exists at all.

Well it is quite funny hearing from YOU the syntagm "bad guy". Really? Being good you mean smashing everyone (even the Steam newbies) until they give up playing? Building bases on all gammas? Capturing all Betas and not giving em to anyone?
This u call "being good" ?
In most of PVP-emphasizing games there is a certain limit each faction can get (power, influence, domination e.t.c.). You just did everything to make it 99,9999% and even your alliance got damn bored - outstanding logic. Excuse me, you might call it JUST as you want, but it's definetely NOT... being good!


(155 replies, posted in Bugs)

Aye Pod wrote:

I would say this is a strategy and not a bug. Similar to building siege walls in old gamma.

Dear Aye Pod, beside the theatral hypocrisy and pretention nothing happened, you try to fool people around. Moreover, I would say it's your big huge luck you play in a game with low online. Because if it would be another game of thousands players...such ppl like you and Balfi would be irreversibly insta-banned with no negotiation. I wouldn't even start talking about your alliance's playstyle which literally killed the online of this game... don't you have even a drop of decency?


(49 replies, posted in Bugs)

Ville wrote:

Here we go!  First the games a piece of ***.  Now our "Main" fcs and dps froze.  Like someone was ddosinng them mid fight!  Lol!  Lol! 

Calm down Bobo, calm the *** down!

Bobo you will call your whelps which u always verbally abuse and trash talk to them. We all got you are cool at mouthing and childish insulting people in-game (including me).

* ignored


(49 replies, posted in Bugs)

Syndic wrote:
Kane Shafter wrote:

@Syndic and CIR alliance - Grow up, and here is a further thought, how about you help try and fix the problem instead of beating your chests like neanderthals. A good report and word of mouth means good word of mouth which translates to more people joining, hence more PEW!

What are you bitter about, didn't you already submit your reimbursement ticket? roll

It's not about the NIC, it's about gaming fun. If there is not... doubt there will be many new players.
Moreover, I had the weird impression the server lags to favorize you(e.g. CIR): ALL (not just one!) of our FCs, and also main dps got frozen while Lemon claimed in General chat he had 4 clients running and 30 ms ping. Good 4 him, cuz I had one with minimum graphic settings and it still died. As comparison: a big air battle in Warthunder has roughly same amount as in our Perp. battlefield - I play it at maximum graphical/mem resources settings.


(49 replies, posted in Bugs)

Kane Shafter wrote:

For you Dev Zoom to say it is the users problem is unacceptable because if this issue isnt resolved you wont get the new player base you hope for becos word of mouth travels and the smart people who listen will not subscribe. As ranking member of the TOG community ( a community of now near 80000 members) I atm cannot and will not support this game in good conscience, I was hoping to give the thumbs up report to draw more members.
The experience for me was most unsatisfactory, but I am going to wait to see if it is dealt with satisfactory before deciding what i will do.

So I ask you devs to deal with the issue as I do like this game a great deal and dont really want to go becos of this simple error.

This is all I have to say on the matter.

Don't you think, guys, this discussion shouldnt exist at all? That here there must be discussed how to have balanced ewar, how to handle Gamma or boost the Market, But Not speaking about issues as such? These shouldnt exist in an apropiate game. Name, please, a single Steam game with such huge lag issues. At least ocasionally. Be my guest.


(49 replies, posted in Bugs)

DEV Zoom wrote:

Sorry for your bad experience, but we actually warned everyone about this before purchase. This is exactly why we're in Early Access:

We'll use Early Access as a transitional period while we make sure that our servers can handle the increased load and thus during this time players might experience lag and disconnects.

Ah save it Zoom, please. I was there (even though with big pauses) since September 2010. And since then nothing essentially changed: you added the cortexes and mk2, u systematized the research and made it be not random, u added a bunch of useless buildings on islands landscape, tutorials, and that's it. Every time I was logging in there must be something (whether dc, crashes, lagg e.t.c.).

Is game crashing also predicted in your Early Access? None of other Steam games crashes with such a frequency as Perpetuum.
Dota2 - once per week. Warthunder - 1-2 times a week. Even the small companie's game like March of War don't die up to 5-6 times per day (like Perpetuum) either!


(49 replies, posted in Bugs)

Dear devs and Avatar Team,


Have fun and best of luck!


(7 replies, posted in Q & A)

I didn't ask about "a beast which would kill everything in 1 shot". I wanted to know if there is a bot/mech which can go more E-War than damage. That's the style I always played when playing in a team.
And thanks for the key-word, now I put on search E-war bots and I got all list big_smile


(7 replies, posted in Q & A)

Debuffing is anything that would hinder/decoy any of your bot's parameter or ability. It is met in many MMOs btw.


(7 replies, posted in Q & A)

Modules like demob, energy drain, lock-drop.
What's the best candidate for such tasks if I would focus mainly on debuffing, and less DPS ?
I used to play once with Troiar for such purposes, but this was too many years ago big_smile


(5 replies, posted in Q & A)

Wow, you should be paid for such a work, Zortarg. It looks...outstanding. Found out new things, and some stuff I forgot when playing beta. Thanks!


(5 replies, posted in Q & A)

Second day in row I am led by directional geoscanner to...nowhere. When I reach the place which geoscanner report showed on the map with a mark "X"  for desired resource I find...NOTHING. Interesting.