Topic: Cargo Space
First i have to admit that this is not an original topic and has been discussed before. Its still (to me) an open issue though.
Second i was not sure where to post it - here or in the feature section - since both aspects, balancing and features are discussed.
The first issue came up recently when i was doing some combat missions after a long time. The problem of missions still is the travel time so you may think you should just accept multiple missions. But here you run into the problem that even if you are very "unlucky" with the loot you cannot hope to bring it all home in one run.
My suggestion is to at least double the cargo capacity of all standard combat bots (not arkhes, EW-Bots) and change items that are balanced around current cargo capacities accordingly (teleporters and such). Furthermore mission-specific items should have their volume decreased to 0.01u (containers, readings, etc.) to not waste cargo space.
I am not sure if mining-bots need the same treatment but it might very well be.
The second issue is that of transport bots and current loads. We need something bigger.
Edit: here was some text that was far to detailed.