Re: Afk mining with trial account ok?

Besides, all that will be on that server is trial accounts. They can ban them all day.

27 (edited by Goffer 2012-05-05 00:22:07)

Re: Afk mining with trial account ok?

I appreciate the clear answer from Devs. But consider that a full fledge Riv MK2  will not compete against 6 Trial Termis and look the amount of Trial Termis hanging around I would like to see this possibility removed rather today than tomorrow.

I know that it is a quite small way between the good idea of free Trial account and restictions to avoid abuse.

But would it be really that harsh if Trials are limited to ores and plants, but could not mine liquids?

Re: Afk mining with trial account ok?

This seriously needs a restriction, it's bad when "honest" miners can't feel competitive without creating loads of trial accounts.

Re: Afk mining with trial account ok?

No access to advanced robotics till you Sub nuff said. Once that is done maybe throw in an assault miner bot that is a touch better than the argano for the real miners to have something to trial. This would be in line with multiple other sandbox games that allow you access to the open market but not allow you to use the best of anything from the market. Right now this entire thing is getting way outta hand, and a simple one step limit will stop the majority of it while still allowing people to use trial account scouts and AFK sequer miners. After that make liquid mine alittle different where it only pulls from the 8 adjacent tiles instead of the whole pool. This keeps liquid mining different but not so Afk'able.

Anonymous: lobo is the only hero left in this god foresaken game / :also, Lobo is god among men … mp;month=7 Best month 104 to 1 k/d