Topic: Server Linit

So, I'm trying out the game before subbing.  Right now the server is full.  Do subbers get priority for log ins?  Is there only one server?

I'd like to sub, but I'm not going to if I can't log in...


Re: Server Linit

Im having the same issue and im subscribed, something is up.

im sure the devs are on it.

3 (edited by Arga 2011-06-26 18:32:10)

Re: Server Linit

There is a bug in the code, it's found and they are fixing it as we type.

Edit: Here is the link to the server status page

4 (edited by Mean Harri 2011-06-26 21:07:01)

Re: Server Linit

Yeah, saying it's full for me too. Patiently waiting... Have just subbed for 90 days though. Rock 'em sock 'em Robots? lol

Re: Server Linit

it the new influx of players from eve they love it that much they wont log off lol

i think devs are getting it sorted now it was a server side issue that should be fixed soon

Re: Server Linit

There is a post about this in the news and information section of the forums. Basically it was a bug they found on the relay server, the server cap they put in is temporary until they get it sorted and they are actively working on it. So far from what I have seen from the Devs and GMs has impressed me, give them a chance. smile

The other post can be found here … -48-hours/