Re: farewell everyone

you need to work out the golden ratio of ecm locking time balanced with dps and range..

it's quite simple when you've worked it out it can be found here...

Re: farewell everyone

Kalsius Dakalsai wrote:

WoW is in some other direction....L2P....kthxbye

-10 eHonor

Re: farewell everyone

fuzion wrote:

you need to work out the golden ratio of ecm locking time balanced with dps and range..

it's quite simple when you've worked it out it can be found here...

Yes, because that's what everyone want's to do when they want to be entertained. Math.

Re: farewell everyone

Too much ewar, not enough pvp, too much gear, not enough content.

People just can't make up their minds what is wrong with the game. I am glad we all agree something is wrong on the balance side of life however.

Re: farewell everyone

I think its stupid to compare Perpetuum which hasnt even been out a year yet to eve which has had how many years to try and perfect spaceship combat and even now they effin suck.

It would be fair to compare Perpetuum to the first year eve.

Perpetuum would win hands effin down.

First year eve was a complete POS.

If you are going to compare, at least do it fairly.

Re: farewell everyone

Tigerblood wrote:

I think its stupid to compare Perpetuum which hasnt even been out a year yet to eve which has had how many years to try and perfect spaceship combat and even now they effin suck.

It would be fair to compare Perpetuum to the first year eve.

Perpetuum would win hands effin down.

First year eve was a complete POS.

If you are going to compare, at least do it fairly.

your right when eve launched it did suck in some ways in some ways it don't just like perp sucks in some ways and some it don't.

but however eve has had years to perfect it and being this game is based on the same core princpals yes there done diffrent but the core game is the same even the ui is almost ident to eve 1 to 2 years ago.  thos die hards who want to deny that are just fooling themselves If i wanted to take the time i bet i can line up the ui from this game and eve and blur out the words and anyone would have hard time telling the diffrence.

the whole point in the compareson is the eve model works and it works well is it perfect no but its a hell of alot better and alot more friendly then this games.

the whole pve of this game needs overhaul heck they desigen a paper rock scissor system

then the mission system doesnt even go along with it.  half the missions are against the one target your bot isn't desigend to fight there are very few missions to begin with and when you only have two choices one of which is your rock against paper. that system is flawed.

I don't have the ansers but something def needs worked out.

Re: farewell everyone

U smell of CCP.

Re: farewell everyone

Tigerblood wrote:

U smell of CCP.

dam and i took a bath and everything

Re: farewell everyone

Is that you T20 ?  lol

Good luck and have fun in whatever game you end up in Dadar.

Re: farewell everyone

Dadar wrote:

but however eve has had years to perfect it and being this game is based on the same core princpals yes there done diffrent but the core game is the same even the ui is almost ident to eve 1 to 2 years ago.  thos die hards who want to deny that are just fooling themselves If i wanted to take the time i bet i can line up the ui from this game and eve and blur out the words and anyone would have hard time telling the diffrence.

UI does not mean equal game play, module names being similar does not equate to game being the same. Modules having similar functions does not equal the same tactics.

Now, conversely, many mmo's do share some common tactics. Kiting works in theme park games like WoW and Sandbox games like Eve, as well as Perpetuum. Root, web, demob are counters to kiting and hey, they are the same in lots of games; not just Eve with bots.

One major difference that makes this NOT Eve with bots, is the reliance on speed and the lack of an 'escape' button; that is you can't Warp out when things get dirty. You have to drive away, and that's where kph and manuvering make a difference. The second difference is range.

Taken together, speed and range make fighting in Perptuum more dynamic. This alone is enough to differentiate the two games. It's also why FC's from Eve don't automatically make good FC's in Perp.

And to spin a few more degrees, I acutally do think Eve play experience can be an advantage, but it can't be directly applied, it needs to be remodulated to Perpetuum's game.

tl;dr - core game mechanics are not the same as eve, even though the UI makes them look similar, they play very differently; it only takes an understanding of that and a little thought adjustment to scale and speed, and that Eve knowledge can work for you instead of against you

ps- Also, this thread stopped being about Dadar a long time ago, and is a platform to help educate new players that are acutally here to play.