Topic: Nexus Math Mishaps

I noticed today that with the T1 Fast Extractor and the T1 Recharger with extension lvl 5 for both you get different outcomes.

T1 Fast Extractor AT lvl 5 Extension = -6.67 %
T1 Recharger AT lvl 5 Extension = -6.90 %

Shouldn't these be the same as there the same per extension lvl (1 Percent) and there the same base module percent (2 percent)


Re: Nexus Math Mishaps

Every nexus is different. There are about three to four different ways to calculate the percentages.

I'd rather see a single unified nexus system with better balance on the nexus and on the skills and rather than some weird math where you take the extension level and divide by weird numbers I'd rather just see the 1's and 2's per level getting added directly on to the base bonus.

The current system is causing differences in nexus that suggest by their description that they will be the same. This is confusing and it's hard to tell if there is a bug or error with them.

The Game

Re: Nexus Math Mishaps

are those numbers displayed or did you calculate them?

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Nexus Math Mishaps

Those were all displayed numbers...been working backward to find a calculation that works for both but it seems to be like what Alexander said...there all different sad

I would like to see a system that there all using the same formula and not adding positive numbers to negative numbers.

Re: Nexus Math Mishaps

its probably not a different way to calculate, just the extensionbonus not displayed with enough decimals...

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Nexus Math Mishaps

I fail to see how there isn't a different calculation for each one as going from....

T1 Fast Extractor AT lvl 5 Extension = -6.67 %
T1 Recharger AT lvl 5 Extension = -6.90 %

a difference of 0.23 doesn't seem to be a rounding issue, it seems to be a calculation issue.

Re: Nexus Math Mishaps

the -6.90% seems to be the result of 1-(1-0.02)*(1-0.05)*100%
= linear progression

the -6.67% seems to be the result of 1-(1-0.02)/(1+0.05)*100%
= dimishing returns

both formulas represent the same formulas used for the non-nexus extension that do the same.

@Alexander: mighty talk, aways when it comes to the used formulas.
And there are exactly two used ways to calculate stuff when its "reducing" something.

Please present once a formula with a description that tells you what it exactly does, when there are dimishing returns are implemented AND there are other factors too that affect the same thing.

The game is balanced around those formulas.

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear