Topic: Mk2 Ictus
Mk2 robots give quite a nice bonus overall and I like them, a head and leg slot, a nice bonus giving a reason to train up the racial skills and more speed.
However the current bonus on the Mk 2 Ictus is a bit useless.
Currently all ewar mechs get a ewar range bonus, and this is perfect for a zennith or vagabond and even on the smaller bot, a troiar, you might actually use it.
But on the Pelistal ewar mech you should be using neutralisers or possibly drainers, not demobbers. So an ewar range bonus doesn't make any sense to have, if you want someone to use demobs you get a zennith, suppressors? Get a zennith. ECM? Vagabond. So you use an ictus for energy warfare
Therefore the ewar range bonus on a Mk2 Ictus should be changed to a energy warfare range bonus, because that would actually make a lot more sense.