Re: Named items dropping from NPC's

DEV Zoom wrote:

Ah, I thought we're talking about recently. Yes, there have been changes to loot drops around the mineral balance patches.


27 (edited by Stradivar 2011-03-04 21:00:10)

Re: Named items dropping from NPC's

Well I can't speak for farming on alpha as I've never done it. Perhaps you can add some kernels to the loot table that named mods have in order to reward the risk taken on beta? Seeing as you have increased this risk by adding uber-leet roaming mobs and caravans along with the obvious threat of roaming enemy corps, I feel that could be a fair trade off. We farm in an organised way for kernels after all.

From the solo beta farmer's pov, it's somewhat exciting to discover a tiered mod, investigate it, check market availability, plan your next fit or bot with your potential earnings and so on. Progression. In this same way, the extra excitement of looting 1+ kernels and the pride of doing so can placate farmers like me who bear scars from nodding off and planting my forehead firmly on my keyboard.

Alternatively, make them drop love letters or some literature to read whilst we're killing them. Surely the Pellistal Empire have stand up comedians? Do they actually have personalities? With such technology they must also require the ability to laugh, love and document life, unless they resemble an ant colony...

Anyhow, 2 bottles of grande leffe blonde down and I'm rambling.

"Rise like lions after slumber in unvanquishable number!
Shake your chains to earth, like dew
Which in sleep had fall'n on you:
Ye are many - they are few."

Re: Named items dropping from NPC's

It's good to know there was a loot drop change.  I was beginning to wonder since I use to get a T3 drop off some mobs about once an hour a couple of months ago and I've killed perhaps 300-400 in the last couple of weeks and haven't gotten a single named drop.

I'm not least not about this.

29 (edited by Asimov 2011-03-06 14:04:04)

Re: Named items dropping from NPC's

moved to other thread

Re: Named items dropping from NPC's

it would have been a nice gesture if GM's or Devs would have informed us in the FREAKINGG patch notes of this MINOR modification...

its all cool...