Annihilator wrote:does your mineral respawn in reality work like you wanted it to?
DEV Zoom wrote:the system periodically checks the overall amount of minerals on each island, and if this gets under a certain threshold value, a new mineral field will be generated in a random spot.
this translates into: the combination of some half-mined deposits and depleting a full deposit will result in an almost instant respawn of a new full deposit (according to player gossip)
so all that threshold does, is preventing the system from spawning a new deposit right away when you just start mining one, but ensures that there are always a maxium of "X" full deposits availiable 24/7
Someone once mentioned that a limit to resources would be a good idea, as like flora. So, Once per day, fields would spawn and when that field was gone on that island ... none would respawn (EvE-arian view). Now, I personally have a lot of respect for that idea, however, what if we went a slight step aside and did this :
Field spawns and slowly degenerates over time ...
Field Spawns and upon being depleted, a new field is produced at a random location at 75%
of the prior field's size and continues till nothing on the island.
Fields spawn smaller but containing approximately 25% of the initial deposit ...
You may ask, what about Assignments? Well, assignments would create a SMALL field for the Assignment squad which upon Completion OR Abandonment OR Log Off would then be removed from the game. When the assignment owner logs in, we can either have the field respawn at the prior location OR somewhere else ... you're choice. (Would do the same for Harvesting.)
Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:AOE harvesting? 
I can't say i've actually thought of that, just the whole killing Nora plants that gets to me.
Why not make the scanner locate flora ... NOT Noralgis! To do this, we could have a marker appear at the location of the closest plant (for 5 mins or until harvested, whichever is sooner) with a minimum of 1(or w/e) cycles available. Harvesting is a pita already, so much driving around to find nothing ...
Just some odd but hopefully interesting ideas.