Topic: Probes
Remove from beta islands.
only for gamma!
risk up!
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Remove from beta islands.
only for gamma!
risk up!
remove macro gamers
remove macro gamers
There's too many atm. 10 per corporation is way to much.
Not within 500m of a teleport, terminal or outpost would be nice.
I think they are a *** mechanic anyway tbh. For soft *** and pussio's. Remove them AND detectors.
Can mechs and light bots see a probe before it pings them? I forget.
Make vulnerable to interference and make posisble to shoot interference probes through teles
Can mechs and light bots see a probe before it pings them? I forget.
no bot can see the probe before it pings. since you can place it right under the teleporter even the best masked mk2 light ewar will ping it unless he manages to activate his masking module faster then the probes 30s cycle -> loading screen included.
remember, you can even see bots undocking from a terminal into the gamma masking aura, because it has a cycle time.
but if your already on the island, you can even kill them with a masked laird, if your faster then the cycle (locking them makes you visible for them)
Can mechs and light bots see a probe before it pings them? I forget.
If you fit right, say in a masked mk2 intakt with a medium neutralizer, you can see, lock and neutralise a probe without pinging it.
Don't forget, how it was before we had probes. Without probes, every tp had an Arke waiting. This would be today most likely a shielded castel. Too many of them were macro controlled.
That would be no difference for those using macros, but would be a severe drawback for those playing without macroing. Plus there would be no fun in neuting probes....
I'm just saying there's too many of them at 10. You can liter the island with them.
I'm just saying there's too many of them at 10. You can liter the island with them.
Definitely. I think they should increase their detection so they cover wider area but add a cap of 3-5 on island. No probes under TPs too, just choke points on terrain.
I'm just saying there's too many of them at 10. You can liter the island with them.
the number is not an issue
you can avoid or neutralise any probe that is not unavoidable because its placed right ontop of the only way into the island
1. No probes under TP or station.
2. But make them limited time operation, 1 hr or 2 hr.
Would be good if you could see the timer on them (how long before expire) like a teleport/field can timer.
Long enough to be useful but not used as a permanent sentry.
Come back after timer to sneak past it / or catch the guy dropping the next one.
a 400m deployment limit around teleport would automatically make 10 probes a very limited number, since you wouldn't be able to use a single probe to scout one teleport with 100% chance.
but, for god's sake... give probes the status of a gamma building, so i get at least a log naming the killer...
a 400m deployment limit around teleport would automatically make 10 probes a very limited number, since you wouldn't be able to use a single probe to scout one teleport with 100% chance.
but, for god's sake... give probes the status of a gamma building, so i get at least a log naming the killer...
Leave probes as they are. They are already too vulnerable for that price.
Remove from beta islands.
only for gamma!
risk up!
Quit b*itching and go get your own beta island. There are plenty free for the taking.....
but, for god's sake... give probes the status of a gamma building, so i get at least a log naming the killer...
I think this is the only smart thing I have ever seen Anni write......+1
Leave probes as they are. They are already too vulnerable for that price.
+1, you can already take an Arkhe and kill them without any risk to your resources......
Probes.... already abused by alt corp users.
To balance them they should be limited to beta outpost holders and same rules as walls should apply imo (the 100 from this 200 from that BS) limit them to maximum 4 per station or 10 total if all stations owned.
I thought a lot about this long ago, and the most logical conclusion to balance them I came to is to give them a timer like a fieldcan (1 hr) and then they get removed.
Want to scout a teleport/station/chokepoint? then get out there and plant them every time your need to get intel.
As it is now I think they even stay there after a server restart like patch day (stand to be corrected~)
I thought a lot about this long ago, and the most logical conclusion to balance them I came to is to give them a timer like a fieldcan (1 hr) and then they get removed.
Want to scout a teleport/station/chokepoint? then get out there and plant them every time your need to get intel.
As it is now I think they even stay there after a server restart like patch day (stand to be corrected~)
Not a bad Idea imo.
2 hour
I thought a lot about this long ago, and the most logical conclusion to balance them I came to is to give them a timer like a fieldcan (1 hr) and then they get removed.
Want to scout a teleport/station/chokepoint? then get out there and plant them every time your need to get intel.
As it is now I think they even stay there after a server restart like patch day (stand to be corrected~)
a good idea, better then the crap one above it.
also, agree with Inda 2h, which is more realistic, given their lifetime if spoted.
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