Topic: Power Projection
Hello everyone!
First and foremost, pls keep the Politics away from this thread. Maybe you see I am "crying again" but I wasn't cry before and neither do now just would point out something.
So we sold some of a Power Prijection problem, but we still have some work on that I think.
FIRST: You can scout alost every entry point to Beta by 3 agent. That is not ok I think, At least change that to 6, so move away the Beta teleports to each other.
I also meniton Open Beta terminal close to the entry points and the highways is just that lower the distance at Beta also.
Guys pls try to see that is a porblem and not because I say.
18.01.2014. [12:57:58] <BeastmodeGuNs> after that i remembered all those warning about 1v1 you lol, and i found out why xD