Topic: Fix mining laser waisted charges

When mining a cell the laser uses a charge even when the cell is empty. I can't tell the cel is empty so i can not watch and see when to turn the laser off

Fix it

Either make it so we can see the number of charges a cell has or make the lasers not use a charge on an empty cell.

Re: Fix mining laser waisted charges

The charge is burned up attempting to mine ore and finding nothing but dirt. Active scanning would be nice, but I doubt that will ever happen.

Also demanding the devs "fix it" is a sure way to get ignored.

Re: Fix mining laser waisted charges

You dont get a scan charge back when you get 0%, do you?  No.  This is the same.

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Re: Fix mining laser waisted charges


this used to bug the hell out of me, but as i learned about scanner accuracy it became less and less an issue. If you do a search for my topics, theres on about geoscaning and so on, post on it to help push a better fix for the results, then you will never need to scan an empty tile again tongue

Re: Fix mining laser waisted charges

If this annoys you, then you should try to find fields with more ore per tile. The charges lost at the end won't matter much in relation to what you get out of the tile. If you have to travel a bit, take a field container and get yourself a Sequer. The travel time won't matter much if you mine enough to completely fill the sequer. If finally you even grow out of these fields, then move on to the beta islands. I've heared they have red jucy fields.

So it is not a bug, it is a feature. It forces you to move on and not annoy newcomers because you deplete low level fields.

Re: Fix mining laser waisted charges

how could anyone really care about losing a miner charge!? They are dirt cheap, and take up very little room so you can carry more then enough.  Is there actually a problem here or are you complaining just to be complaining?

Re: Fix mining laser waisted charges

System working as intended.

The Game

Re: Fix mining laser waisted charges

Maybe I am just a skinflint and hate spending pennies without results.

When you target a plant and harvest it you know exactly how many charges you can use on that plant. It would be nice if the mining worked the same way. If the cell info displayed how many charges it had would be nice.