1 (edited by Hydra Merchant 2014-02-20 05:57:11)

Topic: Game lore

I thought it would be fun to write some fiction about perputuum.  I'm not a author, but I thought it would be fun if some of us started a story and then each took turns adding to it.  developing more characters and writing in the activities of your own corps into the story.  I'll Start off, but Don't let me stop you from starting your own stories

http://www.perpetuum-online.com/Story:S … e_Sows_ear

2 (edited by Hydra Merchant 2014-02-20 07:23:54)

Re: Game lore

3 months earlier the Alpha systems supply corp finally got the Reverse engineering facility online despite the delays.   Pirates, land grabs, coercion, and bribery..... Things are over budget and months past due," lets get into the pool and recover that wreck"..  The modified termis plunged into the fresh water lake on Noyava Trava in an attempt recover the craft.  The only fresh water found anywhere on the whole of nia so far.  A pure unexplained oddity.  A planet so dense with salts that even the biological organism were largly salt based.  Electrical distortion 11% sir, distance 100 meters and closing.   Excitement filled the room.  4 hours into the survey they found what looked to be a nian glider.  A simple  geological survey and bio survey of the only fresh water lake turned out to be a major discovery of a sunken and unknown nian craft.  To small to be a scarab, it was long and sleek.  The objects along its underside look similar to scarab Grav tech, but all together different.   Some sort of a light or assault glider.  Locking onto it now sir, a voice announced from the speakers in the corners of the room.  "Extract it and lets get it to the sled" Hydra whispered into the mic as if he was afraid to say it loudly or it would cause some unforeseen problem.  Pulling it free sir, Mud churned up on the monitor  and over head screens as the wreck was lifted from the mud and then it happened.  The craft split into two and the lower half sank back into the mud.  Sir ?   Damit, just bring what you have to the sled.  The termis moving slowly as it turned and trudged back toward the beach, but only with half of what was once a complete glider.   Get it back to the base before we draw attention.  Old pappy's voice chimed in, Contact north, Kain multiple  chameleons, moving west.   A pause, They dont see me sir.   Let them go this time pappy.. Hydra said, Looking at his monitor and making calculations.  Ice, jimbo, whar move up around behind them from the other side of the lake, don't engage , don't let them see you.   The dots on the radar instantly began moving in response to the commands.  40 min later the sled departed the lake and the convoy sped toward the heavily defended terminal on the Sothern end of Noyava Trava.  A production facility, but yet, not a production facility.
The facility was rather a research facility, a very profitable facility with the most advanced tech humans have so far put on nia.  normally the bots and mechs would destabilize and be held into the terminals buffer as code and energy, but this time The sled drove down a ramp into the RE facility through a door.   Ok everyone the package is delivered, lets call it a night.  Homer she's all yours, we'll see about recovering the other half as we can.  Homer replied, "roger, I have plenty to get me started".
Hydra stood up and in turn everyone else in the room stood.   "tidy it up and your dismissed", " Good work, lets start fresh in the morning everyone".  Hydra walked from the command center, his words trailing behind him as he exited.  A few dozen paces down the hall Fin called after him.  Sir I have an Intel report before you go.  Hydra turned without a word and looked to him.   The problem with the transmitters sir,   One of the rival corps has a 70 %.  A gasp slipped from hydras lips.  Yes sir, energy transmissions to earth are going to happen and its going to get a lot more crowded around here very fast sir.   "implement phase 3 Fin", hydra said with no response.  He turned and headed back toward his quarters.

Back on earth the CoN was under way.  Delegates from hundreds of corps and 96 nations were in a circular room.  Lets get this under way the speaker of the floor announced.   1st concern is the viability of territory claims submitted from the STC corp.  We have a 30% pro and a 60% con.  It passes that No corp has legal or ligament rites to territory and governmental entities have sole right to claims.   The room erupted in shouting and dismay as others stood and shook hands with near by delegates...   Bullshit was loudly heard over the commotion, Bull *** and how will it be enforced on a planet where the corp hold all the guns and tech!  The room fell silent,   The voice of Mr. Jones again spoke up... We fellow corps did the work, we hold all the cards why should we defer to the Governments or even the Council of Nations when they have yet done nothing in contribution to our efforts or shared in the expenses.   The speaker of the floor smiled, I can answer that as he reached down to the console before him.  Several doors opened and armed men flooded into the room encircling on the upper tier.   Have you any questions now Mr. Jones?  Several murmured laughs erupted from around the room...  Some unidentified European leader chuckled... Hostile takeover maybe?   Again laughs erupted from the room As the worlds elite Corp ceo's stared around blankly at the armed men and governmental leaders.   We have submittal agreements' for some of you, The man said, the rest... a pause.. Well the rest will be dealt with....  The speaker of the floor exclaimed, Let us move on shall we.   Next is propriety tech ownership submitted by the Council of the people of China.  It appears we have a landslide on this one folks 0% con.   Corp Teck is now ownership of the governments where the Independent corp resides.   Once again, a chuckle rises from some in the room, but to the horror of others.

Phase 3
There locking me sir, Trump said calmly.   Hold steady, begin transmission.   The nimiqual observer lurched closer as the kain moved in to flank.  Full lock on sir. Trumps voice declared over the speakers.  Then the moments passed with no report from the em guns which were leveled at the termis.  Moments begin to pass more swiftly time began to normalize and the collective adrenalin subsided from the veins of the patrons inside the command center.   Sir, there just standing there.  "Good" Hydra said, hold steady. 18 min later another kain and 7 light bots approached and locked onto the termis.   How's the FCMP holding.. "17 hundred intrusions and holding sir" Billy said without looking up from his monitor.  Guys I think we just said hello....
The FCMP is a fluctuating code modulating processor.  A sort of a random encryption that modulates randomly.  An impenetrable firewall that when coupled with the AI Nexus formed a direct but secure interface with nian intellects.  response is being buffered sir.. Billy says as he moves diagrams up onto the over head screens.  The room remains quiet as 40 men and woman try to understand the charts and graphs.   They answered us with a question Billy exclaims...   All the data is to the 9ths decimal ... Maybe there asking us if its right?  Is it true?   You mean to say they don't know or there comparing the results to what they know? Hydra said..   Some unknown assistant from the back of the room piped up...  There are variations in the numbers.. Look at the atomic weights...  Not all of them are the same as the info we sent them... A second set of charts and graphs appear on the screen next to the first...   *** Billy said.. I think there correcting our work sir, yet this is confusing... its still seems like there asking us a question...  The nians are trying to understand and yet I don't think they fully know what we sent them...   I believe there in awe sir...    Awe is   acceptable, but Ok, what do we do now Hydra questioned. I am not a chemistry sort of guy and the periodic table of elements was never something I was interested in...  We confirm it sir, said billy... Give them the file on the glider, the material compositions of the alloys... They will see how it fits into the information we gave them.  Let them understand how we see it, Maybe they will reply with the information we don't have.    Hydra thought for a few moments.   I disagree with you billy, however, this is your call.. Your field of expertise not mine. 
The second human words ever spoken to the nian intellect were sent... 11 more long min passed silently.  Were getting a buffer sir.. incoming response...   OK, we asked about their glider and we told them what we knew lets see what they have to say about it.  The room erupted in excitement...  Billy looked blankly at his console as everyone waited for the information to be sent to the over head screens..    Yet billy hesitated in posting the response.... Uneasy moments passed and Hydra again spoke up.. Damit billy your killing us what did they say.   Sir they answered us with a question again.   Lets see it then shall we, hydra said with a smile.   The over head flashed with diagrams and charts.   No one spoke, no one knew what to say.....   finally someone spoke up in the back of the room  " this human tech?"  another long pause.. Then Fin's voice spoke "what the hell is a stealth 113 Strike fighter-bomber and why the hell are the nians asking us about it?... There is more Billy said as more graphs and diagrams began to pop up on the over head screen... This time it was aircraft carriers , tug boats, cruise liners and oil tankers. Then as if a tidal wave the screens flared up as hundreds of images appeared overlapping each other and appearing faster than anyone could even identify them.  Hydra leaned forward and struck a small red button...   The screens went black and the room gasped...   debriefing room now! hydra exclaimed, get me the pentagon on the phone!

3 (edited by Hydra Merchant 2014-02-20 07:24:15)

Re: Game lore

Merkle stood with the other solders on the ring around the outer most rim of the room as the Council of Nations debacle continues.  He restlessly fingers the trigger on his automatic weapon.... "Make sure there is an example" he was told.  He searches for the preferred targets...  Burial, stood stood on the lower platform passive but obviously dumbstruck with the governments of the world dictating law and procedure to the powerless corp ceo's.  Preferred example he thinks to him self.  The young but aggressive man who claims to be beast mode guns shouting furiously at the speaker of the floor.  Preferred example Merkle thinks... Go ahead just take one more step closer.  Then some lesser known CEO makes a move for the door.  Merkles Hud identifies him as a man who calls himself Rory.. the CEO of a small corp of industrialists.  Merkle says quietly "God bless the little volunteer, as he lowers his rifle and put 3 rounds into the mans hip.  Rory falls in a scream,  No sound nor murmer is heard for several minuets save for the cries of pain and agony from the wounded man.   "Now Now please return to your seats", the speaker exclaims.  We have much to discuss and vote on before anyone leaves... A pause .. Before Anyone leaves... The cries carry on in the background.