  Today just goofing off I started an auction in trade channel for no reason at all.  The first item didn't do well, but it was kinda fun.  I decided to do a 2nd auction on 20 small t4 reppers and it went well. (didn't loose money)  People started filling up trade channel so I did a third auction and advertised a 4th.  I made more on the T4 small em guns than it took me to make them so I was thrilled.  The Gropho MK2 sold for 50 mill.  There were over 20 in trade channel and we had a great time.

Several people asked me to do it again!

So I'm offering an AUCTION again (time to be determined).  There needs to be a bit of structure so I per pose:

1).  Others can contact me before the auction and contract me items. I will contract at 1mill per auction
2).  Highest bidder has to pick the item up in Sinj on the account that won the bid (sellers deliver to me in Sinj before the auction starts.
3).  I can't ban people form making fake bids in trade channel.  But I can keep a ban list of offenders, and if the auctions are popular then we'll go to a permanent Auction channel that can be moderated properly.

If you have any interest, feedback, suggestions on how this can be a successful community event please let me hear it!

On my next auction there will be T4 items in 10+ sized lots, Bots and meck's mk1 in 10+ lots, MK2's and Mk2 CT's. Possibly resources in 100mill lots (pieces not U).

If you have some items in those quantities please e-mail Hydra Merchant and I will contact you before the next Auction.

What time and day works for everyone.  Post in Server time only!  I have a flexible weekend schedule

When I am ready I will Advertise in forum and in game the time.  The forum post will include all items in the order they will be auctioned.

If you see an item you want you can set up proxy bidder same as any other auction.

I would need help in game recording buyers, if anyone is interested in Auction assistance (recording who, what and how much) it would be appreciated. Dutch auctions are difficult to manage and will be considered based on assistance available.

Dutch auction.  100m of titan ore.    Highest bidder takes what he wants at his bid.  Then 2nd highest bidder takes what he wants at his bid.   etc.. till all items are sold.


I just want to say you said I won something and then accepted a higher bid and that makes you untrustworthy and bad and ***

*edit: Offensive. - DEV Zoom

3 (edited by Hydra Merchant 2013-10-20 04:08:30)


on another note I posted a sold and other bid landed before I hit enter and it showed up in chat. (confirm anyone?) It would have been just as unfair if I refused the higher bid.  I'm sorry for your unhappiness.  If in the event I'm wrong that should be addressed in the rules.   4) once sold hits the chat in the format of ((Sold to (player name) (bid amount)) and there is no higher bid between the actual stated bid, and stamen of sold.  its final.

However, If player xyz bids 10, and then player abc puts in a bid of 11, ***IF**** I state " sold to player xyz for 10".  then its obvious that I was in error because player abc had his bid in before it, and the auction is still live and ongoing.

I feel this is a fair rule.  I again apologies for any hard feelings.  I would also like to state again I was just doing it for fun and had no forethought put into it.  The next auction (if there is one) will be more organized.  There needs to be a little understanding for the time it takes to type "Sold to player xyz for x nic".      err and maybe I have to look at my fingers while I type too...

@Frankie I just reviewed what happened.  Please forgive me.  I was distracted and ended up out of trade chat.  I posted you won in general chat because I didn't see anyone else posting bids.   Honestly, I wasn't even in the right channel, and I stated twice that the auction would be in the trade channel.  This was in a large way my fault for trying to manage several chats while the chaos and excitement of the auction was going on.  But regardless, the auction was in trade chat you can't argue with that.  I again apologize, but it would be unfair for you to hold a grudge against me for such an obvious mistake.

4 (edited by BeastmodeGuNs 2013-10-20 04:14:41)


nvm, lol

Reading this signature fills you with determination.


Was fun to watch the action, What else we to see? Cant wait to be part of next Bids. big_smile


+1 for auction mechanics

Have a productive day, runner!
R.I.P. Chenoa, you'll never be forgotten.
DEV Zoom: Line, sorry, I was away for christmas.


I was trolling ofc. Keep it stiff.


I'm thinking Friday November 8th would be good, i'll only auction 10-15 items so it doesn't take too long.  I'll post the items I intend to auction.