Topic: Terraforming yourself to unpassable and weird side-effects

Terraforming yourself to unpassable is now possible since it doesn't seem to use 2D calculations for the beacon vs agent calculations - or the calculations are currently broken.

After relogging in unpassable terrain, I appeared on the 0:0 coordinates, swimming in deep water(got good pics atleast).

You changed it so now the beacon height distance calculation is also taken into consideration for calculating if the beacon is in range with terraforming modules or not.

If you now also fix so that the distance checking is done using 2D and fixing the issue with terraforming yourself stuck, you are effectively nerfing the terraformers range too much - since you can't come closer than minimum 70-80m to the beacon in 2D but the beacon still keeps going up and gaining distance that way

I propose that you change it so terraforming modules are affected by range extender and the agent-standing-in-the-area calculations are done in 2D and have 70-80m radius(basically the area that the beacon terraforms and not more.) That way you should not be able to terraform yourself stuck while still having decent range.