1 (edited by Jasdemi 2013-07-20 09:25:47)

Topic: Neural Override Points

Angry Gooma inspired me to post this.

Neural Override Points(NOP) are used to downgrade extensions and get back spent EP.
Just like EP, NOP is generated over time but way slower. About 3:1?

So, discuss.

Re: Neural Override Points

Not a bad idea at all, would get some dynamics into extensions, but 3:1 is still way too fast. Perhaps something like 10:1.

Fancy name, I like it.

3 (edited by Celebro 2013-07-18 22:31:25)

Re: Neural Override Points

lol more points system?

but I like it, not a bad idea, if implemented differently, like linked to missions or tokens.

Edit: we dont need more passive mechanics we need to get players to log in ffs. big_smile


Re: Neural Override Points

I would have this quite slower. It should take several month to change a missle bot driver with 1 M EP to a Miner.
Else you would regulary respec between the "cheaper" roles like repair, recycle, refine, but also between prototyper and mass producer. As a larger corp could live to have them only once a month with full skills.

Re: Neural Override Points

Why not  1 ICE for 500k ep with a 3 months cap.?


Re: Neural Override Points

P2W then. Devs need to be careful where they add ICE. If devs think system like that is needed in Perpetuum, then they have to add it inside game mechanics and not make it available to people willing to toss out an ICE.

ICE was a bad idea from start.

7 (edited by Celebro 2013-07-19 16:38:26)

Re: Neural Override Points

So can you win something by having just 500k EP  down gradable every 3 months? Doubtful.

I don't see the difference with this advantage than subbing yet another account.


8 (edited by Martha Stuart 2013-07-19 19:37:21)

Re: Neural Override Points

500K EP takes almost a year to get.  Starting a new account, it would be 9 months before you got your 500K EP.  If you are able to down grade 500K EP quickly, that is a major advantage over just starting a new char.  plus starting a new char supports the game and the Devs. 

Personally I think the way the Devs have the trial accounts set up is how it should be, but free to anyone all the time.  you can downgrade 5 level/per day  but anything over level 7 can't be downgraded.  That forces you to stay with what you specialized in, as it should be.

Re: Neural Override Points

Jasdemi wrote:

Angry Gooma inspired me to post this.

Neural Override Points(NOP) are used to downgrade extensions and get back the spent EP.
Just like EP, NOP is generated over time but way slower. About 3:1?

So, discuss.


Steam achievement Unlocked:  Being a Badass
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.

Re: Neural Override Points

In turn this will give even more power to older players (NOT A BAD THING).

As in the future I foresee newer bots, some will become "better" then others thus allowing Vets to move around there points for more flavor of the month bots.

Then they will *** after they have spent all there NOP's (Neural Override Points).  As the DEV's will then nerf the bot they just got into.

I dont see this as a good thing, it just adds in more headaches for the team to deal with, I would much rather see more flexibility in the beginning stages of EP, allowing more downgrading giving more power to the player to reverse his bad choices.

More along the line of what is in game now, just downgrade points.

The Gifter
Top  Killer 2013  - 01: 334 -- 17 -- 317  : Merkle
Top  Killer 2012  - 01: 027 -- 472 -- 445 : Merkle

Scarab Kill Count - 13