1 (edited by BeastmodeGuNs 2013-07-03 09:29:16)

Topic: intrusion event notifications

perhaps make it so the members of the owner corp of an beta outpost will get the notification of an outpost intrusion being completed even if they are not on the field on the same Zone a SAP may have just went off for, but of course just the owner corp for an OP would be able to get the event notification(s) for the outpost belonging to the corp if docked in a station or on field on a different zone.

Just an idea of course, though this would be low priority and really easy to do im sure smile

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Re: intrusion event notifications

BeastmodeGuNs wrote:


Also, I've always thought it odd that an outpost owner has to blow a 0.5m NIC charge to find out when the next SAP is due. SAP times should be displayed somewhere in corp management or where you set the auras/facility points maybe.

Re: intrusion event notifications

Hey, do some effort instead of just simply 'press button receive reward'.

Re: intrusion event notifications

Doek wrote:

Hey, do some effort instead of just simply 'press button receive reward'.

Completely agree. Personally I'd get rid of SAP loot altogether and beacons. The loot skews my POV however which is that an outpost owner should know when the next SAP time is without having to blow a charge.

Re: intrusion event notifications

So the advantage the owner of the outpost has, the ability to step outside a locked station and get the time and return to safety, is not enough? Sorry Beast I have to disagree. If you can't afford a half mill, then you shouldn't own an outpost. I also think the loot drops are fine.

6 (edited by Zortarg Calltar 2013-07-03 15:43:16)

Re: intrusion event notifications

the gain per investment is one of the best ingame if you can loot one or more beta bases. just do the math yourself.

of cource some saps are more rewarding then others. and if you have some work to do then you dont get everyone and usually need ~2 scans for one successfull sap loot.

still big gain for small time investment.

yes its worth owning one or multible beta outposts.