1 (edited by Ssagoa 2012-09-27 17:35:03)

Topic: Good morning

I am a possable returning gamer and  I typically am more interested in the Indi side was wondering if there's enough player base to suit my play style. From what I have read player population is small but small was not necessarily bad. As an ex eve player i enjoy mineing hauling and such possably even building but if none buy what i mine or are in the need of hauling it kinda kills my game play.

Thanks for your time

Re: Good morning

im in need of indy if u dont mind mining for my war chest.......

We are playing chess and the rest of perp is playing checkers.   http://stringcan.com/wp-content/uploads … 80x305.jpg     

3 (edited by Ssagoa 2012-09-27 18:03:27)

Re: Good morning

Thats awsome but it really doesnt answer my question. And as long as i can sell it i dont care who i mine for. My first post was a long winded hows the population post.  Thanks for the reply.

Re: Good morning

Market hubs exist there are plenty of sell or buy orders. Just pick a hub and start pumping materials into it!  GL too.  If you have any questions specifically swing by the pretty hate machine public channel.

Steam achievement Unlocked:  Being a Badass
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.

Re: Good morning

Yes people will buy and even trade in bulk, the cheaper the price the better.


Re: Good morning

More indy needed. smile

Re: Good morning

Thanks for the insite ill log in tonight and look for some mining spots. And look at the needs on the market..

Thanks again see you in game