Walls 2.0
I've not played a single minute on Gamma since release, but I suppose I saw this coming MONTHS ago. I don't even need to see a single defensive set-up to know the issue. It should have been totally foreseeable (by the Devs and anyone) that Terraforming would be used, like walls, to manipulate the passable terrain of an ENTIRE island to the full advantage of the owners, not just constructing bases. What more obvious way to do this than by Terraforming around teleport chokepoints?
I know this issue was raised by others and myself long ago but there did not seem to be any concern that Terraforming around Teleports would be issue. So, it seemed that would be perfectly acceptable. I could dig up the posts if I cared, but I really don't anymore.
I guess what may be obvious to some is not obvious to the Devs. I feel for the guys who spent all those man-hours. NIC is measurable and can be re-imbursed somewhat accurately. But the man hours ...GONE!
I'll not be like some ass-hats in the past who have said things like "you should not use mechanics you know the devs will change" because that is ***. I will say I feel for all you guys getting screwed on this... really I feel your pain. But all these stupid skype-accusations against the devs for supporting one group over another is getting absurdly childish. You hard core whiners, blame-gamers and trolls are pushing me away from this game much more than the Devs' misteps. But again, I do get the frustration.
Good luck getting at least your NIC back. And Devs, while at it, me and all my corp/alliance mates will take the NIC for Walls as well.
And ffs ADVERTISE THIS GAME! Get some fresh blood in here before this population eats itself alive with all these bitter veteran rivalries.
or maybe that's your strategy, grind the vets out, test it all, reset EP, re-release to the public
Sparking to other games