Topic: Interruptable Highways and Cloaking Generator
Hey everyone
I just had a small idea and wanted to share it with you to get some input to see if it has any chance to fit into the game.
So my idea is this: First there must be more and longer highways (player-build even). Then you can introduce a highway-hacking-tool which reprograms a stretch of highway to slow you down instead of speeding you up(should only be usable on beta) for some time. There are no visual clues to this and the reprogramming gets triggered only if someone uses the highway(like a proximity mine).
In oder to complete the trap you need a cloaking-generator. This should work roughly like this: First you have to place it on the ground like a teleport beacon(not within range of another one and not near terminals etc.) and wait for it to charge up. Once it is charged up it cloaks all bots standing inside its range that do not move and do not have any targets/are targeting something/are targeted by something. The beacon is only visible if you are very close to it (50m or something) but very easy to destroy. If you enter the range of the cloaking beacon you are not cloaked instantly but there is a cooldown depending on the bot type(the smaller, the faster).
Now you can sabotage a highway and lay waiting for an unsuspecting traveler.
The cloaking beacon like a teleporter has a limited lifetime.