Topic: NEXUS Mods

I kinda think these need some changes.

What I would like to see

1) Range Expansion (1000m range ?)

2) Strongest NEXUS of that type and in range gets applied. eg. If multiple Velocity NEXUS are being run you get the strongest available effect applied. If that NEXUS is out of range you get the next strongest. Once the original NEXUS gets back into range, you revert to his bonuses.

3) Players to be able to click on an active NEXUS aura they are receiving, and get a list of auras currently running in their squad and in range of the player. They can then click their choice and receive that NEXUS aura instead.

Re: NEXUS Mods

I like #2 a lot.

Re: NEXUS Mods

They all are good suggestions imo. +1

Re: NEXUS Mods

#1 It would be nice, not sure if devs would agree, but maybe expanded to 2 or 2.5 times current values 200m/250m Base, 40m/50m per Adv Squad Level, 20m/25m per basic Squad level.

#2 is one that has been needed for a long time, same kinda applies to stuff like demobs and suppressers it that highest effect should win, i'm not sure how difficult this would be to impliment.

There are a number of ways they could do #3, one option for it i'd like the see is the squad system overhauled, and sub-groups added, the squad or sub-group leader would have the option for which nexus effects they want in order of importance.

For example

Sub-group A Is made up of Ewar Mechs, Order of importance would probably looks something like:
Ewar > Speed > Shield > Evasive > Recharge > Locking Time > Locking Range>Everything else in no particular order.

While Sub Group B is made up of combat mechs, lets say they are speed fit, order would look something like:
Speed > Assault > Crit > Repair > Recharge > Shield > Evasive > Locking Time > Locking Range > Ewar  > Everything else.

Of course they are just a quick ordering i came up with now, they are probably not perfect.

You could go one step furthur and have a personal or squad priority list.

I have some more ideas on the specifics of a squad management overhual that i may post at a later date.

Re: NEXUS Mods

-1 need more *** extensions

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