Re: Lack of direction and end game makes for a dull and boring gaming.

the term "end game" makes me think of WOW

Re: Lack of direction and end game makes for a dull and boring gaming.

Inspiration wrote:

Just an idea, partially ripped off DEV Zoom, problably.

How about the scoreboard motivation someone else mentioned? It sure should be possible to add those to cetrain classes of activities. One for PVP killing, one for NPC killing, one best syndicate agent (mission/event) related?

Every time some record is broken, have some sort of notification everyone knows. Likewise for NPC versus players, such as hardest HIT recorded, make them come alive a bit in this sense.

I am sure people will find gaping holes in what i just written, but try to plug those holes in your mind and picture if the outcome would be worth something to have please smile.

As for living on Nia in general, I never have the feeling I am in something that is a war zone. No aggressive NPCs anywhere, and warring NPC factions completely ignore each other when they do meet. Anything that can change this feel of the game would be a huge boost!

You mean like this kill board?  Yea, it's not in game, and AC has no STEAM style "achievements" (not that it needs them but some people do have hard ons for that type of thing) but there is one; and it's good.

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<GM Synapse> please don't abuse our fresh players before blowing them up. And for god sakes, don't do that after it!

Re: Lack of direction and end game makes for a dull and boring gaming.

Arga wrote:

PVP players have Perp-kill, albeit a 3rd party site, to track and fluff epeen.

Having achievements and recognition for non-combat activities would motivate more activity and increase PVE/Indy player retention.

The negative side, the total lack of recognition and tracking doesn't give non-combat any credit for the role they play in supporting PVP.

This leads to PVP players, that do indy on the side to support themselves, instead of having a vibrant and appreciated industrial population.

I think that's a bit of a logic stretch (bolded above for emphasis).  I do indy on the side to support myself as a primarily PVP player, but suddenly having a bunch of "achievements" wouldn't change my focus to industrial at all -- and I still think that industry as it is is too grindy.  Even now, 9 months after I last played, it has changed very little; especially in regards to research.

Population graphs

<GM Synapse> please don't abuse our fresh players before blowing them up. And for god sakes, don't do that after it!

Re: Lack of direction and end game makes for a dull and boring gaming.

Crepitus wrote:
Arga wrote:

PVP players have Perp-kill, albeit a 3rd party site, to track and fluff epeen.

Having achievements and recognition for non-combat activities would motivate more activity and increase PVE/Indy player retention.

The negative side, the total lack of recognition and tracking doesn't give non-combat any credit for the role they play in supporting PVP.

This leads to PVP players, that do indy on the side to support themselves, instead of having a vibrant and appreciated industrial population.

I think that's a bit of a logic stretch (bolded above for emphasis).  I do indy on the side to support myself as a primarily PVP player, but suddenly having a bunch of "achievements" wouldn't change my focus to industrial at all -- and I still think that industry as it is is too grindy.  Even now, 9 months after I last played, it has changed very little; especially in regards to research.

The bold statement is correct, but I agree that the post illogically ties acheivements to a lack of motivation for pure industrialist players.

Re: Lack of direction and end game makes for a dull and boring gaming.

Sorry new player but this is a good subject, as a new player i have always felt that ultimately a lot of incentives comes down to power, the next shiny discovered or built or conquered shows a position of power. Part of eve success was that individual’s very clever individuals could manipulate the game world in unexpected ways to "Bash their chests" in front of other clever leaders. The question is does this game have the leaders in the main corps to ask those questions to be able to manipulate the game so that the many can get excited about what we might just be possible for us to achieve if only we put in enough work? If not then question then should be why not, what is it about the toolset or game mehcanics that is preventing certain leader type people from comming to the game and bashing thier chests?

Re: Lack of direction and end game makes for a dull and boring gaming.

Another powerful "end game" possibility in these worlds is based upon creation, not only destruction.  Players will engage in the world and feel that they have ownership of it, if everyone, not just a few chest-bashers, can achieve or produce something in the virtual setting.

For some, it may not be needful to be the biggest fish in a small and very narrowly-focussed pond.  Leader boards and medals are well and good, but the immersiveness and variety of experiences in the world itself are what will engender loyal customers.

And then, if you get bored, you can always go blow stuff up.

Regarding "what is stopping some from bashing their chests", I'd maintain that people can do that in a population of 2.  wink  However, quite simply, the game needs a higher population to allow leader boards to have even the shred of "meaning" that some give them.

To get the higher population, the PvE experience should be interesting, diverse and engaging (not a lot of needless running around, clever, balanced, and properly storied missions, a sense of accomplishment for achieving or producing, perhaps some sort of Nian-Terran warfare).  With a rich PvE background, players will then provide all the drama that they wish in the beta and gamma islands.

Re: Lack of direction and end game makes for a dull and boring gaming.

Nemo wrote:

To get the higher population, the PvE experience should be interesting, diverse and engaging (not a lot of needless running around, clever, balanced, and properly storied missions, a sense of accomplishment for achieving or producing, perhaps some sort of Nian-Terran warfare).  With a rich PvE background, players will then provide all the drama that they wish in the beta and gamma islands.

I'm primarily a PvPer but I think this is both true and obvious; carebears are (unfortunately) the majority.  As for leader boards, all the vets know about perp kill and that it's the only external site that has direct API access, although it isn't promoted or listed anywhere only the official most dangerous agents list is.

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<GM Synapse> please don't abuse our fresh players before blowing them up. And for god sakes, don't do that after it!