Topic: Corporate Mech Hangars

Not sure if or how often this has been proposed already but it just occured to me and I though I might aswell throw it onto the pile of 990 threads that almost no one cares about either.

To my knowledge the communist system is one that has been working out quite successfully for many corps in this game and is something a group of say, 3 real life friends would resort to just to share stuff that's not in constant use.
One of the major inconveniences resulting from the way the entire inventory system is handled is that if you want to use a mech that is meant to belong to the corporation you need to put in you own hangar making it inaccessible to anyone else for the time being.

A lot of times one might just forget to put it back into the corporate storage without even having any specific intent of somehow hoarding equipment or anything.

A very convenient way to not only solve problems like that but also enable entirely new and more efficient ways of administrating equipment would be to introduce corporate mech hangars.
Members with specific roles would be able to stock those with fitted mechs while other members with specific access rights would be able to simply jump into them and undock.
They wouldn't be able to change the fitting or move them anywhere, just the cargo hold and rightclick -> deploy.
Once those members using the mech return to any given terminal or outpost their mechs would be placed in a corporate hangar corresponding to the security level of the hangar they took it out of to begin with.
That might leave them to sit there in either nothing at all or an Arkhe if they don't have any personal mechs there but who cares.

For example you want to start a mining operation. You'd have say... the Lv2 hangar that's full of Rivelers or Termises and Lithuses or Sequers and whatnot and your trusted miners have access to that. They would then be able to just jump into one of those mechs they meet the requirements for (including the modules) and undock in them. No "Do we have termises somewhere?", "Are there any tunings left?", "Where did the D20 go?" etc.
Unless they happen to log out in those on the terrain they would always automatically return to the corporate hangar whenever their current user docks.

That way you could easily keep track of corporate assets in terms of mechs, ensure combat readiness of your defenders in case of an attack and grant new members of your corporation access to a fully stocked mech hangar without fear of having them just shove the entire thing into their pocket and leave.
You could also easily enforce standardized fittings.

Lots of options and no one is forced to use it if it doesn't fit their corporate playstyle.

Re: Corporate Mech Hangars



Re: Corporate Mech Hangars

Great idea +1

Re: Corporate Mech Hangars


<GargajCNS> we maim to please

5 (edited by Syrissa 2011-11-11 10:42:54)

Re: Corporate Mech Hangars

i dont dislike the idea...

- your bot is a corp one.
- undock outpost dock same outpost all is fine
- undock outpost dock diffrent outpost... will this work?
- undock outpost dock at outpost where corp has no hangars. will this work?
- what if you dock at a outpost where there is no corp hangars? now its your mech? stolen?
- can you switch bots if you are not a corp hangar?

not much sandbox feature... but you could say its a security feature build in your spark to prevent misbehaviour...

nice idea but this has a lot of problems with it.

+ 1/2

Re: Corporate Mech Hangars


Make a possibility to mark prefitted bot as "corporate", storing in corp hangar only, maybe being able to dock only in "bot homebase". Unable to refit, unable to put it in private storage, etc.

Next step - "Robot Leasing" - some small corps may be interested in renting prefitted bots for NIC if they are unable to buy/build one.

Have a productive day, runner!
R.I.P. Chenoa, you'll never be forgotten.
DEV Zoom: Line, sorry, I was away for christmas.