Topic: Veterans please tell me about pvp/pve balance


I'm currently specced for yellow bots. Before I commit to them, I would like to hear what veterans think about the pvp and pve balance.

In your opinion, which race is the best overall in all the types of pvp? Best overall in roaming, best overall in standoffs, etc.

In pvp, what's the role of each race in practice? Does each have clearly defined strengths that are useful in a sufficient number of situations?

Which race is best for plasma farming? Are there large difference in effectiveness here?

Thanks for input.

Re: Veterans please tell me about pvp/pve balance

Every race has its pros and cons.
Blue are fast with their mechs and heavie, but other groups can keep up with them in ewars and assaults, and they're not going to use most of that speed when in a group with mechs of the other types.
I see no overall best for pvp or for the subsections of roaming or standoffs.
Every race has its swings and roundabouts and you just have to see which one you like.
Yellow has passive tank/long range, blue has active armour tank/short range/high dps and green has shield tank/long range/low dps.
Of course that's only generally and you can configure your bots to do many set ups and then there's the ewar.