Re: I apreciate all the emails you guys send me

Personally, the subscription model works fine for me.

The freemium model is OK for getting drones into the game to build up NIC and mine resources. Playing a game for free doesn't give any incentive for logging or building any long term relations. The majority (your mileage may very) of free players are going to be casual players that log in a few hours a week every so often. The issue is the game isn't casual friendly, so you'll have a stream of new players coming in asking the same questions, which will be ignored eventually, roaming around on alpha for a while until they get ganked by an ewar npc, log out and never return. The small portion of players that are going to stick around, will pay a small monthly sub.

So the trial does exactly the same thing as a free to play model without all the crap of bored free players just out to grief people for lulz.

Re: I apreciate all the emails you guys send me

The only REALLY good argument for the freemium model is that EVERYTHING on the internet is getting "kinda free" these days and people are used to it. Services like gmail, twitter, picassa, and other obscure stuff i'm not even aware of, everything with a free model to attract people and the possibiliy of paid premium services.

What this model does is attracts people, who want to TRY something before buying it, and it brings them in masses. The model doesnt say that those people are gonna stay in game (though most often they do, see the DDO phenomenon), it does however open the influx infinitely.

Also very nice freemium ideas from Arga some 5 posts back.

Re: I apreciate all the emails you guys send me

I refuse to play this game anymore until I can buy a monacle for $70. Sort it out Devs

Re: I apreciate all the emails you guys send me

Lol Dazamin, you had me. I nearly believed you were not making irony. Best answer so far lol.

Re: I apreciate all the emails you guys send me

Keep subscription fees low (They're good as they are) but add a cosmetic shop around energy credits.
Energy credits can be earned from playing the game or bought for small amounts of dolla.

Simples. Paying more SHOULD give you something but not something that's going to help. $1 to paint a robot any colour we light. $1 to add our corp logo to our robots (In preset locations)..

Buy $10 of Energy credits at a time and have them unlimited time (I had the "Must spend this month" deals)

Re: I apreciate all the emails you guys send me

I still consider, for a game like this to really succeed, there should not be any kind of "ive more money than you, my game is better than yours" system. Even if its not giving a pvp edge.  Think about paintjob for example. Im sure if thinking enough about it, i should find a reason why this would affect gameplay in general.

Please, up the sub fee 1 or 2 euros if needed, peoples will keep paying.  But im sure microtransactions should stay far far away from Nia.  I hope so.

Everyone the same even playing ground.  Thats were great games build their foundations. And about Eve, Plex etc... Ok it works, but does it make the game better for everyone? What about goldfarmers, all those kind of *** that happens when you put money parameter into the equation.  For Perp to succeed, it needs more paying customers, and more concurrent players. No microtransactions, they will lead systematically to RMT, everyone know this. Peoples will find a way to link NIC to EC, then EC products will be sold with RMT.

Re: I apreciate all the emails you guys send me

So, again my personal opinion on microtransaction (RMT) for non-combat items; vanity stuff.

While this is a game for us, which players choose to play at different levels of seriousness, for AC this is a business; regardless of how much personal investment they too have in the game.

RMT for vanity items allows players that can afford to support the game the opportunity to do so, without burdening the entire player base with larger fees.

While the RMT users do get some additional color added to the game, the reality is that they are also supporting the business with additional development $'s that will improve the whole game; which benefits everyone playing.

The item they receive, as long as its not p2win items, are just 'thank you' items for supporting the game.

@cobalt - raising prices isn't the best way to get more paying customers. For some reason, gamers make statements like "I like the game, but its not worth $15 a month" but the same game goes F2P with RMT and revenue per player INCREASES beyond and average of $15 per month.

Re: I apreciate all the emails you guys send me

I actually think you should become F2P.

34 (edited by MegaMaid 2011-11-11 17:35:30)

Re: I apreciate all the emails you guys send me

Yes, free to play, everyone quick create 10 accounts and start accumulating EP for free!

40 boxing here I come!

You people are truly, truly daft.

35 (edited by Joph 2011-11-11 19:00:58)

Re: I apreciate all the emails you guys send me

The day Perp goes f2p is the day I stop playing - I hate micro transactions.

36 (edited by Dalmont Delantee 2011-11-13 13:22:29)

Re: I apreciate all the emails you guys send me

The only free to play game I play is World of Tanks, because its actually nothing at all just bang dead. Everything else I subscribe (3/4 games currently) I used to play LOTRO but since free to play its just not got my interest any more (the big SHOP box in the corner winds me up).

Also the people in free to play are all the worse sort from WOW, kids, *** and special people.