Topic: Request for New Industrial Mission: Acquire, Refine, and Deliver

Hey all,

To break the monotony I would like to see a mission that uses one of the most important skills in the industrial tree: Refining.

So I suggest a mission template along the lines of:

Refine X amount of Y commodity. Mission parameters become more difficult and more rewarding. Level 0 mission: Refine 100 titan, Level 1: Refine 500 prilum, Level 2: Refine 2500 Plasteosine, etc.

Delivery destination can vary for more rewards...

Re: Request for New Industrial Mission: Acquire, Refine, and Deliver

OR those thingies we mine for lvl 1-2 missions can be refined in something else that useless in production.

Have a productive day, runner!
R.I.P. Chenoa, you'll never be forgotten.
DEV Zoom: Line, sorry, I was away for christmas.

3 (edited by Arga 2011-10-25 17:27:31)

Re: Request for New Industrial Mission: Acquire, Refine, and Deliver

What sort of reward would this type of mission provide?

The raw materials used in refining can also be sold on the open market, so it would have to be competitive with that.

Edit: Even the isotopes have value on the market as they can be converted to raw material.

Re: Request for New Industrial Mission: Acquire, Refine, and Deliver


The reward can be cash and standing. Please keep in mind that most characters do not have high refining and high standing, most would be taking a loss refining with low skills compared to selling the ores directly. However, it expands the number of different skills used from the industrial tree -- IMO a good thing.

Also, if you take the shortcut of buying the ores and refining them just for doing the mission, you would be taking a loss particularly in level 1 facility.

Re: Request for New Industrial Mission: Acquire, Refine, and Deliver

It's not about isotopes, it's about those new materials you mine on lvl 1-2 mining missions. I think we can refine them to some new materials which will be not useable to construct common stuff - but maybe something different, for construction missions. That will make a whole industrial mission system more complex, allowing new players to understand the process.

Have a productive day, runner!
R.I.P. Chenoa, you'll never be forgotten.
DEV Zoom: Line, sorry, I was away for christmas.

Re: Request for New Industrial Mission: Acquire, Refine, and Deliver

Sorry Line, those are what I meant. The mission materials can be recycled into raw mats.

@lux - Where I was going with that, is if the reward is too high, then players _with_ high skills can exploit is as NIC faucet. As long as they rotate missions (you can't do the same one too many times in a row) they could repeat the proces infinetely.

To make it effective, the mission would need the player to mine and refine the 'mission thingys' in the same time frame; that way there is a time factor to limit how many times they could do it per hour.

7 (edited by Kyrios 2011-10-28 04:41:37)

Re: Request for New Industrial Mission: Acquire, Refine, and Deliver


I don't see it as an issue. The rewards for level 0, 1 and 2 missions are quite small. Would a high level refiner bother just to get an extra 50k per mission? If he did, with high refining, then I suggest that he really needs to analyze his time/nic ratio expenditure -- totally a waste of time.

Perfect refining is by itself in theory a NIC faucet: sit in level 3 terminal, post buy orders for rares, post sell orders for commods. Leaving that to do level 1 and 2 missions seems fail. ;-) I am assuming this is the main consideration for making the refining skill so damn expensive. :-)

However, I see your point on potential abuse. Make the cash rewards low, but a reasonable standing reward. Introduce an actual cap on the mission instead of a rotating-limitation.

8 (edited by Arga 2011-10-28 21:52:19)

Re: Request for New Industrial Mission: Acquire, Refine, and Deliver


Sure, it can be made to work in some fashion, but does it really add anything to game play? The CT creation missions, mining, and geo-scanning all provide training and an introduction to certain Nia based activities.

Refining, like recycling, is fairly straight forward. You have the mats and press the button and get bacon.

tl;dr - The game mechanic of recycling is too simple to build a mission about, it could be included into an existing mission, with an appropriate increase in rewards however.

Edit: Meant refining and/or recycling

Re: Request for New Industrial Mission: Acquire, Refine, and Deliver

Given the new imperatives in gaining standing for sparks, I'm kinda hoping for at least one semi-easy mode indy mission. ;-)

I suppose integrating it into a mine*anywhere* for X, refine for Y type makes balanced sense.