Topic: Omini Interference Mod Bonus Bug

The ammo for the mod isn't getting add with the Interference Emitter Strength Mod.

My Strength is 53.00B.
I'm assuming that extra bit is from skills. (Interference Mod lvl 3)

So the 50% from the mod itself...isn't being add into the equation.

Note: Only used the T4 no idea about the others.

This Is Your Mother Speaking.

Re: Omini Interference Mod Bonus Bug

I think this is pretty much the same issue as this one.

The module info doesn't get updated when you load the ammo, only when you close and open the equip window again.


3 (edited by Karos 2011-10-04 12:20:09)

Re: Omini Interference Mod Bonus Bug

I'll have to test it again, but last time i used it i had the same issue of the strength buff from the module not taking effect, (actual effect on the field , not just value on the module).

Was using a Niani one.

Re: Omini Interference Mod Bonus Bug

Yes, you're right, I just checked again.

Strength bonus is not applied, only range.


Re: Omini Interference Mod Bonus Bug

fixed in next patch