1 (edited by Inspiration 2011-08-21 14:58:11)

Topic: Protect user scan result folders from deletion

I don't think I made a mistake here, given the circumstances that impossible unless I had an identity switch and lost an hour of my consciousness.

I suddenly lost about a days worth of scan results (again).  I had like 10 folders created with many bookmarks inside them. Today, at the end of my scan session, I found out I missed nearly ALL scan result I put in my own folders that were located on Daoden. If memory serves me well, a few unprocessed scans not in a user created folder survived.

This is must be a bug of some sort, just when I started to trust the delete folder option again (before it wiped out all results of said ore type...period).

To prevent such mayhem in the future and honest mistakes too. I propose that we must be able to protect our user created folders from any delete action. Direct or indirect...e.g. no bookmark inside a protected folder should be deletable,..... ever.

Also, a backup to local disk feature would be nice too, the map tends to be awful slow at opening if you have gathered some bookmarkts, even when they are not selected to be displayed.

Re: Protect user scan result folders from deletion

One thing I was able to confirm, and is what might have happened!

If you delete the "Daoden" folder, you also delete all user created folders that conists entierly of scan results located on Daoden.

Thus it seems like the delete ore type is indeed fixed (no more deletes everything of said ore type), but the delete island folder still affects all scan results, regardless where you put them!

Re: Protect user scan result folders from deletion

ARGH $#!()*$_!$#! sad

Fixing now sad

[14:15:15] <Freya Sabbat> ...Dear god, the Devs are as bad as us

Re: Protect user scan result folders from deletion

DEV Gargaj wrote:

ARGH $#!()*$_!$#! sad

Fixing now sad

Somehow I expected this response wink