Topic: Norhoop, Kentagura and Domhalarn should be changed to NPC Beta Zones
The three islands named in the title should:
I. Have two or three of their outposts removed (Hokk and Kent should be flipped, quality and outpost wise)
II. Have the last outpost held by an npc corp, with players unable to capture it
III. Have the spawns near the TP and the outpost reduced in strength to tier 2 lights and assaults
IV. Have the spawns, plants and exploitable field quality reduced so that they sit between the beta islands that can be captured and above the alpah 2 islands
V. Have their internal TPs removed (with highways broken into sections with large gaps between them connecting the outposts and the external TPs)
I: There are an excessive number of outposts on all three islands (pretend that Kent and Hokk have been switched wrt outposts). Reducing the number would increase player density at the one or two remaining outposts, providing more opportunities for pvp.
II: No one lives on any of these islands in significant numbers. We roam all three regularly and they are zombie at pretty much all hours. Some people probably live there, but they're not active enough to make them interesting targets. Turning these areas into "freeports" would make them more interesting to new corps and players looking for a place to live on beta where they'd always be able to dock.
III: These islands should be more for new players to get their feet wet in a pvp zone. As such they need stuff that they can farm easily. It also ensures that older players will have to move further from the safe zone that is the termial or tps, making them more vulnerable. NPC 0.0 serves a similar function in EVE, and has been the launching point for many a future infamous corp (the most notable, of course, being Goonswarm)
IV: These should be lower quality than capturable betas because players are not at risk of being locked out from their stuff. They should also have lower quality so that players are motivated to attack and take the better islands from their enemies
V: Internal TPs should go to reduce the ability of players to travel at high speed about the island. They're not good for pvp (gate camping is lame) and they're not good for pve (because they serve as focal points for ratting and thus hunting ratters). Broken up highways would prove a concentration point for travel that would serve the same focus of generating pvp by having an obvious transit location. Breaking them into sections (preferably with cover so that fights in those spots can be more entertaining) reduces the average speed of travel and makes cross country routes viable (allowing the crafty player to dodge pursuit or ambush with a circuitous route).
Summary: Re-purposing infrequently used betas into incubators for new corps who want to pvp but cannot capture an outpost from a current holder (or for older corps that want to pvp without the hassle of politics and taking an outpost) would increase player density on beta and provide more regular and frequent pvp. It would also create more competition over the existing outposts that can be captured, as they'd be reduced from 15 to 6, increasing the tempo and importance of sov fights. Finally these areas would provide a staging point for alpha industrial corps that wish to mine epi but don't have a viable staging point.
For these and many other reasons the islands named above should be changed in the fashion described here.