Topic: Have the chat window keep focus after sending a message

I keep running into the issue that when sending a message with the intention to send a follow up message, that suddenly I am moving my robot, turn windows on or off etc.

I am just too used to windows that keeping focus when you interact with them, and can't seem to adapt to this kind of interface behavior where after each message, I have to use the mouse to regain focus on the chat.

Re: Have the chat window keep focus after sending a message

There's an option for this under the gameplay options menu. Can't quite remember the exact text, but its there.

Re: Have the chat window keep focus after sending a message

Found it, thanks a ton!

Re: Have the chat window keep focus after sending a message

Another fast feature added by the Devs. A*


Re: Have the chat window keep focus after sending a message

Also, by default hitting return puts the focus back in the chat window.


Start Typing stuff that your corp mates are

'click on terrain to steer bot'

find highly amusing 'return'

"Start Typing stuff that your corp mates are find highly amusing"