Topic: Newbie

05 Eve player here finally trying this out. I'm looking forward to get into the PvP aspect of the game. Atm im figuring out the AI and running the tutorial missions. Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Newbie

Hiya, Welcome to Perp.

Kiting works for mobs, but you can also dance with them. If your locking range is longer, and it will be for most main Island bots, the bots will stop at their 'optimum range', if you push in on them, they'll back up. If you push then pull back you'll see the red recticle around the bot disappear then reappear as it closes again. It takes most NPC's 12 seconds to lock, so push in for 4-5 seconds, then pull back for the same, and you can fight non-ewar withouot ever taking damage.

There are some great guides for starting EP allocation here too.


Re: Newbie

You should add some dancing lessons in your gaming schedule. big_smile

I only know how to lead btw tongue


Re: Newbie

I just can't envision Arga with a rose clutched between his teeth.  A PIE...maybe.  Probably pumpkin or apple, but not coconut cream.

Primary Laptop:  NEC Ready 120LT - Cyrix Media GXm @ 200 MHz, 128 MB EDO DRAM
NeoMagic MagicGraph 128 ZV+, 6 GB Hitachi 4200 RPM HDD, 24x CD-ROM, PCMCIA WiFI
Slackware Linux 8.1 - Framebuffer 640x480 Command Line Interface Only (No wimpy GUI)
-Delicious Raspberry Pi-

Re: Newbie

Hey, not everyone can Salsa clutching a pie, I learned the hardway though, that it can't be fresh out of the oven.

How about giving our new friend some practical advice on npcs smile

BTW - PIE is an indy corp, but if your looking for PVP adventures, there are some great groups out there. With the upcoming changes to some mechanics, their all looking for new faces!

Re: Newbie

Arga wrote:

Hey, not everyone can Salsa clutching a pie, I learned the hardway though, that it can't be fresh out of the oven.

That explains all those lip burns I get when I try that.  Hmmm...

Arga wrote:

How about giving our new friend some practical advice on npcs smile

*grumbles*  You and your deviant productivity fetish! ...  FIIIIIIINE!  I suppose since I've managed to explode my fair share of bots already, regarding NPCs, avoid them!  They're packing some serious electronic warfare gear.  Give everything and anything that's red a wide berth and pick on things that don't fight back like plants or terrain tiles.

Arga wrote:

BTW - PIE is an indy corp, but if your looking for PVP adventures, there are some great groups out there. With the upcoming changes to some mechanics, their all looking for new faces!

NeX...join it now!  Or join something else...check the recruitment section of the forum.  Unlike games that have been running for ages, most corps aren't elitist about their recruitment yet.

Primary Laptop:  NEC Ready 120LT - Cyrix Media GXm @ 200 MHz, 128 MB EDO DRAM
NeoMagic MagicGraph 128 ZV+, 6 GB Hitachi 4200 RPM HDD, 24x CD-ROM, PCMCIA WiFI
Slackware Linux 8.1 - Framebuffer 640x480 Command Line Interface Only (No wimpy GUI)
-Delicious Raspberry Pi-

Re: Newbie

Hi am newbie too and just starting on trial acct , I need advice on good all rounded robot with good combat ability , also when I look at missions they all level 0 ! how can I unlock higher level missions ?

Re: Newbie

Welcome and it's good to see you!  An inexpensive light combat bot is what you're looking to start with.  Check the Prometheus with some lasers, a Yagel (mmm..bagels) packing magnetic guns, or a Castel with light launchers.  They should be able to handle starter combat missions.

Unlocking higher level missions comes from doing lower level stuff.  Run a few and get your standings with the various NPC corps to increase and you'll eventually unlock access to better stuff.  Unless those level 0 ones are tutorials...any mission-a-holics wanna chime in to help out the terminally AFK guy?

Don't get too upset if something happens pretty often since slipping up and getting killed is pretty easy.  Anyway, I hope you stick around past the trial and play a bit with the game.

Primary Laptop:  NEC Ready 120LT - Cyrix Media GXm @ 200 MHz, 128 MB EDO DRAM
NeoMagic MagicGraph 128 ZV+, 6 GB Hitachi 4200 RPM HDD, 24x CD-ROM, PCMCIA WiFI
Slackware Linux 8.1 - Framebuffer 640x480 Command Line Interface Only (No wimpy GUI)
-Delicious Raspberry Pi-

Re: Newbie

Oh I see , so better rep with npc corps to unlock higher lvl missions , that make sense .
Thanks for the reply smile

Re: Newbie

No worries!  I'm happy to help.

If you do stay after the trial period, I suggest shopping around for a corp to join.  Pending you haven't done some thinking about it already, you'll find that it's nice to be able to tap into the knowledge of a group of players that have your interests in mind.  That and Perp doesn't work as well with solo style gamers.

Primary Laptop:  NEC Ready 120LT - Cyrix Media GXm @ 200 MHz, 128 MB EDO DRAM
NeoMagic MagicGraph 128 ZV+, 6 GB Hitachi 4200 RPM HDD, 24x CD-ROM, PCMCIA WiFI
Slackware Linux 8.1 - Framebuffer 640x480 Command Line Interface Only (No wimpy GUI)
-Delicious Raspberry Pi-

Re: Newbie

Nemr wrote:

Hi am newbie too and just starting on trial acct , I need advice on good all rounded robot with good combat ability , also when I look at missions they all level 0 ! how can I unlock higher level missions ?

finish all 10 tutorial missions, you'll get a light combat bot for free. get into an assault if possible, they are quite versatile.

don't bother with missions if you are a pure combat character. roam the islands and find a nice NPC spawn. farm for higher level kernels and plasma. profit !!!

Re: Newbie

i would recommend just selling plasma right now and hold on to the other stuff since your trial account you can't trade or sell it for the maximum value and right now the only thing the npc's will do is cheat you out of as much money as they can