Topic: Fix Walls ! You can get pewpewed through


So it was today (in fact moments ago), i spotted an observer stash 1 and decided to get the loot without killing it. As usual, looked around for cover beforehand (an Argano isn't really all that resistant you know...), and plotted an escape course.
Then popped it, open can, take all, fast burn out...
Escape path involved getting behind a building (Hershfield, lotsa ruins!) to avoid getting keeled (80m/s isnt all that fast to get outside of an observer operational range), so i did it.
Well, then you can easily guess how WTF i went when said Observer 5-shot (i said shot, not missile) killed my 3+ millions worth bot through said building <_<

TLDR: Wallz 'r not workin' !

I cant really help any more about those issues, but i asked around to people living on Hershfield, and they told me to sometimes get killed through walls this way too. This might simply be due to lag or desynchronization, but it should really get looked into imo.

Re: Fix Walls ! You can get pewpewed through

its the way the impassible terrain works, I think.  I have seen some places where on the map it showed you could walk through an opening in the buildings, but in the world there were still buildings placed there.  I was able to walk through the buildings in the place it said I could walk, so I'm guessing they wouldnt block shots either.  I'd pay closest attention to the impassible tiles, as they're likely the biggest determining factor in blocking fire from weapons, not the actual building model.  Its just easier for the server to calculate that way, in boxes stacked approximately where the buildings are, instead of the complex models that you see.

I dont think this is a bug, unless some of the world models dont have an accompanying hit box to block fire, but more of a limitation of their server due to it being an MMO.

->You just lost The Game<-

Re: Fix Walls ! You can get pewpewed through

I know about the whole block/model view thing (you can walk through quite a few building edges), and i understand how hard it'd be to calculate such trajectories and hits by the server if it was the case
I dont think that's really the problem though, because this time i was 50+ meters off both edges of building, so unless there was a big hole in mid of it, something went wrong either with shot blocking check, or bot locations(lag,desync?) i guess

Re: Fix Walls ! You can get pewpewed through

Then note the location where this happened and report it so someone can go out there to test it and other buildings in the area.  Maybe whoever was responsible for placing the buildings on Hershfield missed something during the process.

->You just lost The Game<-

Re: Fix Walls ! You can get pewpewed through

I got this on my L2 Dari Outpost Bounty Hunting mission (the one against Rookie Jackals and Warrior Coyotes).  Not only were they shooting through walls sometimes (although sometimes the walls did block), but also shooting through the ground (as I got my Pelistal down out of LOS). 

Also, one Warrior Coyote had me locked and was shooting me through the ground out to about 400m - surely they should have lost target lock long before that?

They were also jerking around a fair bit (de-synced?)

I had an eye on the lag meter, thinking I must have a high lag, but lag was around 56-68ms or so most of the time, and if there were any lag spikes I didn't see any (maybe too short to register on the meter?)

Also, generally, there's a fair bit of micro-rubber-banding in this game (periods of consistent jerkiness - again, even with lag in the 50-odd ms region).