Topic: # of players

Can't post in the offical forums so I'll post here.  From the current topic thread about the server problems and lag there was conversation about the total number of subscribers that Perpetuum has and although the actual number of subscribers is not something they or I will ask for receive I thought I'd put some perspective on it.

We know from CCPs recent release of financial statements that they have near but less than 360,000 subscribers - this number includes active accounts paid via PLEX.  On average there are about 30,000 people online.  30,000 / 360,000 is 8.33%.  If that same ratio were to carry over to Perpetuum one could expect there to be 360 (current server max pop) / .0833 = 4,320.  4,320 subscribers seems high to me but lets roll with it for a second.

Since the subscription cost is $10.00 we can do simple math to get some more information.  4,320 subscribers * $10.00 = $43,320 in revenue per month. No known costs exist but that rate would for a year would be $43,320 * 12 = $518,400.

Decrease the number of subscribers and the actual revenue drops considerably faster. The point is that their not making much revenue and they are very dedicated in making their game better.  I just hope our arrival doesn't hurt their subscription numbers by being population locked.

Re: # of players

$'s notwith standing, sandbox games need players to make the world come alive.

The server has been patched, time to go play!

Re: # of players

Well population shouldnt be an issue now as that's been fixed.

Re: # of players

Under the recent circumstances, you must assume there is a much higher percentage of trial accounts online at one time.  Sure, eve will have some as well, but not as much as we're seeing right now.  Id say look at the numbers again in a month or two to see where they really stand after the dust settles.

->You just lost The Game<-