Arga wrote:You'll also note, that AC has no intention of charging for new content. Unlike EVE you won't have to pay for expansions, and you didn't have to pay for the initial software. Both these are more ways to lower the barriers.
For reference, EVE does not charge for expansions. You get them.. whether you want them or not.
Everyone else already pointed out the important bits. I watched the forums with fascinated horror at Incarna's launch.
I'll point out something off the bat - I am the carebeary 'oooh pretty character it's me!' left the CQ open, sat on the couch watched the TV player who has in the past engaged in "MT" in P2P before (an insidious way they did it - digital CCG, you get 'loot cards' that can be brought into game, 80% vanity items, but also mounts that gave stats/higher speed aka 'game changing'. They were in no way game breaking, but I'll flatly admit it - I never played the CCG and over a month blinked and went, woops! I just spent 150USD to get one of these: … 7bc3c2.JPG
For reference - was anyone jealous of it? Sure, but it didn't break their hearts, cause I was *lucky*.
Why 150? Well, because each cardpack is 4.95. And then you trade the cards with, say, EQ1 players who wont use EQ2 loot cards. And you could always get lucky... It was gamblers anonymous, insidious, and I'll tell you this -- there wasn't a damned RIPPLE in the forums about it.
And played Requiem and bought stuff - specifically mounts, *and they only last 30 days* (yay for bouncing bodies and bloodsplatters though!). Just never got into WoW because I have a personal issue with bright cheery colored people killing things.
So. I was CCP's TARGET AUDIENCE for MT. I have NO ISSUE with MT if it is what it is - a microtransaction. I heard of the redonkulous prices before I ever opened the aurum store. You have to understand. They were charging 14.99 for a month's sub and 20.05 for a shirt for your character. And I understand the logic behind it (possibly a PLEX sink; who knows how many PLEX are floating in game atm cause I sure don't and if they spent that nest egg already how you say, wooops?) but they tried to sink it WAY TOO FAST.
I was just dissapointed at the prices. I wouldn't be able to participate. I'm no kid, but I couldnt afford an extra 20.00 a month; I was already paying for 3 subs.
And thats an important point to bring up. Its a RARE person who dualboxes WoW or EQ2, etc. People who do tend to 'quad-box' and are unusual. There's no need to have multiple accounts in those games. You grind monsters, you get exp. So in general, each of the (yes yes I know I OWNED A SPARKLEPONY! ::cries:: ) players is only paying one sub. So dropping 25$ for a sparklepony? Well tbh wow's forums DID rage over it. But some peopel did buy it. Sure. That's 40$ one month but back down to 15 the next.
In this style of a sandbox model if you want to do more than one thing, it only makes sense to have more than one account, its not just a wild grind on your DPS alt or your healer alt. To be honest, I think this is likely what makes a lot of the community hesitant about MT - not because RARRR IT RUINS GAEM but because 'ohwow... but i already have 5 accounts subbed.. qq." If you're already paying 75, rounding it up to an even 100... no.
BUT. All that aside that's not what pissed me off.
What pissed me off was, while I'm watching the live feed of the Jita protest, and listening to the eve-radio broadcast with the CSM people and the reporter from massively on a feed split out to about 3000 listeners, and that damned Hillmar letter broke live and they read it live, and I heard, basically, 50,000 rabid fans who love a game possibly too much for their own good sometimes referred to ... well, like this:
This we have done after months of research by a group of highly competent professionals, soliciting input and perspective from thought leaders and experts in and around our industry. We have communicated our intention here internally in very wide circles through the Virtual Economy Summit presentation at the GSM, our Fearless newsletter, sprint reviews, email lists and multiple other channels. This should not come as a surprise to anyone.
Currently we are seeing _very predictable feedback_ on what we are doing. Having the perspective of having done this for a decade, I can tell you that this is one of the moments where we look at what our players do and less of what they say."
Experts? Thought leaders? Predictable feedback? My nose was twitching for a minute, and I realised the devs had gone from caring about their playerbase (as much as they can obviously, its not like they send me flowers on my birthday) to treating us like like a pack of Skinner rats whose behavior would be broken down into statistics; convinced of their hypothesis that we would happily shock ourselves to get a monocle-shaped bit of cheese when, to be honest, the grate-floor cage was getting uncomfortable to begin with.
I always hated reductionalists. So I won't spend my time with them once they show their colors to me.
I'm going to go on an Op now. I have stuff to blow up.
I play MMOs. I need a signature which is deep, thought provoking, and devours bandwidth with the voracity of rabid weasels. It is also, by nature, vaguely sad with a tinge of my obvious internal, unfathomable loneliness. Like this,
, but at 1.3megs packed into 2 by 6 inches. ANIMATED.