Re: ex eve players

Etil DeLaFuente wrote:

So how many of ex-eve players think wtf! a vaga is now an ewar bot! doh big_smile

Here I am waiting for them to introduce a firearms specialized mech with 10% per level falloff, 2% per level firearm damage, 3% per level speed bonuses. And call it "Falcon".

Because of Vaga.

Avatar Creations have a lot to learn about economy
-- Snowman

Re: ex eve players

Morning all,

7 year Eve player but after the recent events subscription quitely cancelled and client deleted.

Impressed with Perpetuum so far, only issue I have is disconnects & lag but overall the game mechanics are interesting.

Just carebearing at the moment, trying to grind some NIC in order to try out more 'bots.



Re: ex eve players

Eve has become all about us and them.  The developers may as well be on another planet speaking another language.

At least here the devs muck in and get involved with their customers, if they keep that up they shouldn't get in the sorry mess CCP have got themselves into.

Re: ex eve players

I wish there were some way I could buy a sub on Perp using my eve isk. smile


Re: ex eve players

same here.. i am an ex Eve player - so tired from CCP, Perpetuum is only hope xD
ps DO NOT try earthrise - just a bunch of bugs, lags and empty fields =\

Re: ex eve players

Bitter Eve player checking in. Didn't have time to get the full picture last night, but from what I see, I'll be sending my monthly MMO budget this way instead of at CCP.

Re: ex eve players

Not bitter with Eve, but extremely disenchanted. After 6 years I won't be going back. Perp seems pretty good so far, minor quibbles of course, but this is fun rather than work. I may change my tune after a bit, who knows.

I expect the increase in player base here to cause a few glitches, but they seem pretty dedicated to working things out.

Re: ex eve players

EvE player here... on my 3rd day of trial, really considering buying at least a month to try out the whole shebang. I want to get involved in some pvp to see how it all works out, but from what I hear just like in EvE I may need some backup... any corps recruiting EvE players?

I'm speccing into numqol and magnetic weapons, will be able to pilot an assault bot today probably. Been working on my fitting skills for the most part.